Various activities

Tomohiro Harada

March 19, 2025

I have organised the following conferences as a member of the LOC:

I have acted as a referee for the following journals:

I was selected as

Our paper (Ken-ichi Nakao, Chul-Moon Yoo and Tomohiro Harada, “Gravastar formation: What can be the evidence of a black hole?,” Phys. Rev. D 99 (2/2019) no.4, 044027 doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.99.044027 [arXiv:1809.00124 [gr-qc]]) has been selected as a PRD Editors' Suggestion.

Our paper (Chul-Moon Yoo, Tomohiro Harada and Hirotada Okawa, “3D Simulation of Spindle Gravitational Collapse of a Collisionless Particle System,” Class. Quant. Grav. 34 (4/2017), 105010 (17pp), doi:10.1088/1361-6382/aa6ad5 [arXiv:1611.07906 [gr-qc]]) has been included within CQG 2017 Highlights selection.

I was and have been an editorial board member of the following journals:

I have served as an examiner for the following doctoral dissertations:

I have served as a referee for the following research programmes:

I have been a representative of Japanese Society on General Relativity and Gravitation since September 2021.