Various activities
Tomohiro Harada
March 19, 2025
I have organised the following conferences as a member of the LOC:
- The PBH Workshop “Dynamics of primoridial black hole formation”, 10-11 Mar 2023, Rikkyo University (Chair)
- The 28th Workshop on General Relativitty and Gravitation in Japan
(JGRG28), 5-9 Nov 2018, Rikkyo University (Chair)
- The 18th Workshop on Singularities, 27-29 Dec 2016, Rikkyo
- The 13th Chushiro Hayashi Memorial Public Lectures, 18 Dec 2012,
Rikkyo University (Chair)
- Workshop on Wormholes and Observational Testability, 27-28 Oct
2012, Rikkyo University (Chair)
- The 19th Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation (JGRG19),
30 Nov - 4 Dec 2009, Rikkyo
- The 64th Annual Meeting of Japanese Physical Society, 27-30 Mar
2009, Rikkyo University and Rikkyo Junior and Senior High School
- The 9th Workshop on Singularities, 12-14 Jan 2008, Rikkyo
- The 19th Rironkon Symposium on Progress in Theoretical Astronomy,
25-27 Dec 2006, Rikkyo University
I have acted as a referee for the following journals:
- Astrophysical Journal (IOP, UK)
- Classical and Quantum Gravity (IOP, UK)
- EPL (EDS Sciences, IOP Publishing, Italian Physical Society)
- European Physical Journal C (EDP Sciences, Springer Science+Business Media, Società Italiana di Fisica)
- Foundations of Physics (Springer, Germany)
- General Relativity and Gravitation (Springer, Germany)
- International Journal of Modern Physics D (World Scientific, Singapore)
- Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (IOP-SISSA, UK-Italy)
- Modern Physics Letters A (World Scientific, Singapore)
- Physical Review D (AIP, USA)
- Physical Review Letters (AIP, USA)
- Physics Letters B (Elsevier, Netherlands)
- Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Progress of
Theoretical Physics) (Physical Society of Japan, Japan)
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan (Astronomical
Society of Japan, Japan)
I was selected as
- A Distinguished Referee of EPL (Europhysics Letters) by the
European Physical Society in 2015
- An Outstanding Referee of Physical Reviews and Physical Review
Letters by the American Physical Society in 2011
Our paper (Ken-ichi Nakao, Chul-Moon Yoo and Tomohiro Harada,
“Gravastar formation: What can be the evidence of a black hole?,”
Phys. Rev. D 99 (2/2019) no.4, 044027
[arXiv:1809.00124 [gr-qc]]) has been selected as a PRD Editors'
Our paper (Chul-Moon Yoo, Tomohiro Harada and Hirotada Okawa,
“3D Simulation of Spindle Gravitational Collapse of a Collisionless
Particle System,” Class. Quant. Grav. 34 (4/2017),
105010 (17pp), doi:10.1088/1361-6382/aa6ad5 [arXiv:1611.07906 [gr-qc]])
has been included within CQG 2017 Highlights selection.
I was and have been an editorial board member of the following journals:
- Progress of Theoretical Physics (Oxford University Press-Japanese Physical Society) since 2024
- Scientific Reports (Springer Nature) since April 2015
- Journal of Gravity (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) since January
2013 to 2017
I have served as an examiner for the following doctoral dissertations:
- Tact Ikeda, “Theoretical Aspects of Ghost-Free Higher-Derivative Gravity”,
Department of Physics, Doctor of Science, Graduate
School of Science, Rikkyo University, March 2024 (chief examiner)
- Ryota Higurashi, “Fermi-LAT Study of the Vela Supernova Remnant and X-ray hotspot in Supernova Remnants RX J1713.7-3946 and W50”, Department of Physics, Graduate
School, Rikkyo University, March 2023
- Takuya Katagiri, “Linear Perturbations of Spherically Symmetric Black Holes and Their Stability”, Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate
School, Rikkyo University, March 2022
- Shingo Akama, “Primordial Non-Gaussianities from General Models of Inflation and
Bounce', Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate
School, Rikkyo University, March 2021 (chief examiner)
- Keisuke Nakashi,
“Circular Orbits of Particles around Compact Objects and Their Observability”,
Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate
School, Rikkyo University, March 2021
- Yasutaka Koga, “Photon Surface and Relevant Phenomena”,
Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate
School, Rikkyo University, March 2021
- Shin'ichi Hirano, “Toward Tests of Degenerate Higher-Order
Scalar-Tensor Theories on Small and Large Scales”,
Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate
School, Rikkyo University, March 2020 (chief examiner)
- Hiromu Ogawa, “Anti-Screening of the Galileon Force Around a Disk
Center Hole”, Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate
School, Rikkyo University, March 2019 (chief examiner)
- Kota Ogasawara, “High Energy Particle Collision and Energy Extraction
Process near a Rotating Black Hole”,
Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate
School, Rikkyo University, March 2019
- Sakine Nishi, “Observational Predictions of Generalized Galiean
Genesis”, Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate
School, Rikkyo University, March 2018 (chief examiner)
- Silvestre Aguilar-Martinez, “Critical Collapse of Newtonian Fluids”, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, The University of British Columbia, August 2015 (external examiner)
- Syo Kamata, “Research for
-hermiticity in the minimal doubling fermions”, Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Rikkyo University, March 2014 (chief examiner)
- Tomo Tanaka, ”Analysis of Fundamental Problems in Astrophysics based on Loop Quantum Gravity”, Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Rikkyo University, September 2013 (external examiner)
- Naoki Tsukamoto, “Search for exotic gravitating objects with
gravitational lensing” Doctor of Science, Department of
Physics, Graduate School of Science, Rikkyo University, September 2013
- Hioki Kenta, “Measurement of the Spin Parameter of a Black Hole by Observation of its Shadow”, Doctor of Science, Departmemt of Physics and Applied Physics, Graduate School of Science, Waseda University, March 2011 (external examiner)
- Masahiro Shimano, “Early universe models in loop quantum
cosmology” Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate
School, Rikkyo University, March 2011
- Dai Takei, “An X-ray study of classical novae”, Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Rikkyo University, March 2011 (chief examiner)
- Sehar Aziz, “Kinematic Self-Similar Solutions and their
Applications”, PhD in Mathematics, University of the Punjab, 2008 (external examiner)
- Shoko Kanno, 中性子過剰核74Ni における陽子芯偏極, Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Rikkyo University, March 2008
- Yoichi Chizaki, 重力波背景上の弦理論の共変的BRST量子化, Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Rikkyo University, March 2007
- Yuichi Sekiwa, “Thermodynamics of de Sitter Black Holes – Thermal Cosmological Constant –”, Doctor of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Rikkyo University, September 2006
I have served as a referee for the following research programmes:
- The Selection Committee members for the JPS Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers(LEADER)(2019)
- JSPS Research Fellwoships for Young Scientists and International
Programmes (2017-2018)
- OPUS grant for National Science Centre (Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN)) in Poland 2016
- Discovery Grant application for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) in 2012-2013
- Vidi-research proposal for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, the Dutch research council) in 2012
I have been a representative of Japanese Society
on General Relativity and Gravitation since September 2021.