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The Rikkyo Rowing Team won the Men's Coxless Four championship last November! The gold medalists visited the President of Rikkyo University (Yoshioka) and the Chairperson of the Rikkyo Sports Association (Shiraishi) to report their victory on Dec. 6th, 2016. The triumph in M4Coxless was the first time in 68 years since the foundation of the club in 1948.

Medalists: From left: Nemoto, Katsumata, Nakata, Ando
Center left Shiraishi-sensei, Right Yoshioka-sensei

From right: Chairperson of the supporters' organization Tanaka-san and Coach Kumaki-san

It was a complete lie! There was a great mistake in a letter carried on the site called "letters to oarspersons". The original letter is shown below underlined with red lines. It said that only two college crews had won the championships in the All-Japan Rowing Championships, whereas crews from business companies had won the others, overpowering college teams.
Did he really see the race of coxless M4? The Rikkyo cheer group and its brass band and Rikkyo people were cheering and yelling so hard and loud. Didn't he see the Rikkyo four were being awarded the gold medals and the championship trophy?
The mistake was pointed out by a reader and the writer corrected it by changing the number of college crews that had won championships from two to three, only adding one more college team, Rikkyo M4 Coxless.. He corrected the mistake, that's all right, but his real negligence and inappropriateness is that he didn't apologize on this site. He should have and it was the oly way to save his honor. It's not appropriate manners, nor a good model as an oarsperson who should be honest and trustworthy. (Click here and you will go to the site of the Rikkyo Rowing Club.)

Corrections「...男子8種目の勝者は、やはり実業団が強く、大学は4-(立教大学)、4+(仙台大学)2+(日本大学)の3種目の優勝にとどまりました。...」(Click and go to the site of the letters to oarspersons.)

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About English Education

R&W(Reading and Writing)
  • Samples of Reading and Writing
    ETV(English through Video>
  • ETV Video links (You need to type in a password to watch each video. Ask the director of the Rikkyo English Program about the passwords.)


  • How to make a unified CHORUS test
  • In order to use CHORUS

  • How to convert TOEIC scores to TOEFL scores.

    Since April 17th in 2005
    Yesterday Today (1817-)2014