International workshop on motives in Tokyo 2010.

Date: 13(Mon)-17(Fri)/December/2010
Place: Graduate School of Mathematics, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan,

Organizing Committee:
Thomas Geisser (Nagoya University), Shun-ich Kimura (Hiroshima University),
Shuji Saito (University of Tokyo), Atsushi Shiho (University of Tokyo),

Asok, Aravind (University of Southern California)
Déglise, Frédéric (Université Paris 13)
Hébert, David (Paris 13)
Hesselholt, Lars (Nagoya University)
Kahn, Bruno (Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu)
Kerz, Moritz (Universität Essen)
Quick, Gereon (Universität Münster)
Rosenschon, Andreas (Universität München)
Sato, Kanetomo (Nagoya University)
Scholbach, Jakob (Universität Münster)
Terasoma, Tomohide (University of Tokyo)
Voineagu, Mircea (IPMU)
Walker, Mark (Nebraska)
Wendt, Matthias (Freiburg)
Wildeshaus, Jörg (Université Paris 13)
Yamashita, Go (Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc.)
Yamazaki, Takao (Tohoku University)
Zhong, Changlong (USC)

This workshop is supported by
10:00-11:00 Lars Hesselholt, "The big de Rham-Witt complex."
11:15-12:15 Moritz Kerz, "Deformation of algebraic cycle classes."
14:00-15:00 Frédéric Déglise, "Mixed motives in arithmetic geometry."
15:30-16:30 Tomohide Terasoma, "Beilinson conjecture for Kuga fiber spaces and relation of mixed elliptic Hopf algebra."
16:45-17:45 Kanetomo Sato, "On 1-cycle class maps over p-adic integer rings."

10:00-11:00 Bruno Kahn, "Motivic background."
11:15-12:15 Mark Walker, "Introduction to Lawson homology I." 14:00-15:00 Changlong Zhong, "Comparison of Dualizing Complexes."
15:30-16:30 Matthias Wendt, "Stable A^1-homtopy and motivic decompositions."
16:45-17:45 Jakob Scholbach, "Arakelov motivic cohomology."

10:00-11:00 Aravind Asok, "Rational points and 0-cycles of degree 1 in stable A^1-homotopy theory."
11:15-12:15 Mark Walker, "Introduction to Lawson homology II."

10:00-11:00 Frédéric Déglise, "Mixed motives in arithmetic geometry"
11:15-12:15 Andreas Rosenschon, "An example cocerning specialization of torsion subgroups of Chow groups."
14:00-15:00 David Hébert, "Weight structures on Beilinson motives."
15:30-16:30 Gereon Quick, "Torsion algebraic cycles and etale cobordism."
16:45-17:45 Takao Yamazaki, "Class field theory for open varieties over local fields."

10:00-11:00 Go Yamashita, "On the jumping locus of the Picard number."
11:15-12:15 Jörg Wildeshaus, "Motivic intersection complex."
14:00-15:00 Mircea Voineagu, "Semi-topological invariants for real varieties."
15:15-16:15 Bruno Kahn, "Zeta and L functions of Voevodsky motives."