Poster Presentation in International Conference

  1. Tomohiro Harada, “Periapsis shift of a quasi-circular orbit in static spherically symmetric spacetimes and the active gravitational mass density,” International Meeting “Black Holes Inside Out”, Black Diamond, Copenhagen, 26–30 Aug 2024
  2. Tomohiro Harada, “General formulae for the periapsis shift of a quasi-circular orbit in static spherically symmetric spacetimes and the strong energy condition,” New Horizons for Psi School & Workshop: Black Holes and Fundamental Fields, Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, 1–5 July 2024
  3. Tomohiro Harada, “Complete classification of the FLRW solutions with linear equation of state: p.p. curvature singularities for general geodesics”, the 23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, “GR23”, 3-8 Jul 2022, Beijing, China (online)
  4. Tomohiro Harada, “Particle creation in gravitational collapse to a horizonless compact object”, The 29th Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan, 25-29 Nov 2019, Kobe University
  5. Tomohiro Harada, “Uniqueness of static, isotropic low-pressure solutions of the Einstein-Vlasov system”, The 28th Workshop on General Relativity and Gravitation in Japan, 5-9 Nov 2018, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  6. Tomohiro Harada, “Correspondence between sonic points of ideal photon gas accretion and photon spheres”, the 21st International Meeting on General Relativity and Gravitation, 10-15 July 2016, Columbia University, New York, USA
  7. Tomohiro Harada, “Uniqueness of static spherically symmetric vacuum solutions in the IR limit of nonrelativistic quantum gravity”, Spanish Relativity Meeting 2010, 6-10 Sep 2010, Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Granada, Granada, Spain
  8. Tomohiro Harada, Hideki Maeda and B.J. Carr, “Self-similar cosmological solutions with dark energy I: formulation and asymptotic analysis”, The 8th International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics, 29 Aug -1 Sep 2007, Nara Women's University, Nara
  9. Hiromi Saida, Tomohiro Harada and Hideki Maeda, “Black Hole Evaporation in a Friedmann Universe”, The 8th International Conference on Gravitation and Astrophysics, 29 Aug -1 Sep 2007, Nara Women's University, Nara
  10. Tomohiro Harada, “The Size of Primordial Black Holes”, Yukawa International Seminar 2005, The Next Chapter in Einstein's Legacy, 27 June - 1 July 2005, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto
  11. Tomohiro Harada, “Stability Criterion for Self-Similar Solutions in General Relativity”, the 21st Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, 9-13 Dec 2002, Florence, Italy
  12. Tomohiro Harada, “Stability Criterion for Self-Similar Solutions in General Relativity”, the 5th RESCEU International Symposium on New Trends in Theoretical and Observational Cosmology, RESCEU, University of Tokyo, 13-16 Nov 2001
  13. Tomohiro Harada, Ken-ichi Nakao and Hideo Iguchi, “Nakedness and curvature strength of shell-focusing singularity in the spherically symmetric space-time with vanishing radial pressure”, Black Holes and Gravitational Waves – New Eyes in the 21st Century –: Yukawa International Seminar (YKIS99), Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, 28 June- 2 July 1999
  14. Tomohiro Harada, “Stability Analysis of Spherically Symmetric Star in Scalar-Tensor Theories of Gravity”, the 15th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravition, IUCAA, Pune, India, 16-21 Dec 1997
  15. Tomohiro Harada, Takeshi Chiba, Ken-ichi Nakao and Takashi Nakamura, “Scalar gravitational wave from Oppenheimer-Snyder collapse in scalar-tesnor theories of gravity”, the 18th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, Chicago University, Chicago, USA, 15-20 Dec 1996