私の著書でも説明したように、clothingは着物がごちゃまぜになっていてどれがどれか分からない状況の「着物、服」です。数える場合は、a piece of clothing, two items of clothingなどとします。あるいは、a sweater, trousers, two down jacketsなどと個別名を使います。
可算用法では分けて考えますから、a crimeもmany crimesも可能です。特に犯罪の種類を表す場合は可算です。この点、fruitの使い分けと同じです。
Theft is a crime.
You took my maps I had copied. It cost just a little to make those copies, but they were all mine. You knew that and took them and hid them or discarded them. Is it something a public servant should do? Theft is a crime.
Shame on you !
You work for a semi-public non-profit organization.
You are working for the public, the farmers in your and also my city.
You are telling a lie to one of such farmers, making fun of him.
is such a shame.
You two have to admit your crime and you have to learn how to compensate and how to apologize as adults.
Since September 26th, 2018 and since December 12th, 2018