tell/know/discern good from evil
tell/know what is right and what is wrong
tell/know (between) good and bad
discern (between) good and bad
discern good from bad
accept both good and bad (清濁あわせ飲む)
「清濁あわせ飲む」をgood and badとはっきり分けてしまうと、日本語の感覚と少し違うように思います。日本語の濁には濁っているけれど多少goodも入っているような。海水を真水にする濾過シートは日本製とか。
Literally it can be translated into “to accept both purity and impurity” or “to accept both the pure and the impure”, which means to accept both the ideal and the realityはどうでしょうか。
to be broad-minded enough to associate with (to show tolerance toward) people of all sorts―-good or bad or indifferent
He is tolerant to almost all sorts of people/ideas.
He can tactfully handle all sorts of ideas/people.
He doesn’t reject ideas different from his own.
He is broad-minded enough to associate with all sorts/types of people (people of all sorts/types).
All rights reserved by Etsuo Kobayashi:
Since October 23rd, 2017