three-quarter (length) long johns/underpants(七分丈のももひき、ズボン下) 広告などで数字を使って3/4 long johnsとも書きます。
半ズボン下はknee length/half lenght long johns
数えるときは pair of を使って
I bought two pairs of wool long johns.
I usually buy three-quarter (length) long johns. I bought two pairs of them last week.
Actually I have some full/ankle length long johns. I used to wear three-quarters or knee/half lengths when I was young, but now I cannot bear the cold with just three-quarters.
All rights reserved by Etsuo Kobyashi: since February 1st, 2018 [total] [yesterday] [today] 八王子の私立大学教授による盗作例 |
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