Teachers should be able to know/tell/teach right and/from wrong.
Teachers should know/teach/tell (the difference) between right and wrong.
tellとdiscernはbetweenがなければ、andでなくfromを使うのがより正当なのですが、私はどちらでもよい派です。その意味ではknowやseeは、from よりもand が正当のように思われますが、やはりbetweenがないと、どちらでもよいと私は勝手に決めています。ですから、入試などでこの正誤を試さないで欲しいと思います。betweenが入るとどうしてもandが正しい。
Might is right.
ここでもrightは不可算名詞です。Might makes right.としてみれば、形容詞でないことが分かります。この考えは「勝てば官軍」的にしばしば悪用されがちです。どんな理想的な組織においても、悪智慧に長けた人が自分の都合のよいようにmake one’s own (standard of) right and wrongしてしまうことがあります。
They were not respected in the group, and they wanted to change it. They made their own (standard of) right and wrong.
そして、 そういう基準が自分に都合がよいから追随しているといつのまにか、
You cannot see the difference between right and wrong.
You cannot discern right and/from wrong.
We should discuss rights and wrongs of this matter.
?You did two rights.は、やはり、You did two right things.とした方がよいです。
tell/know/discern good from evil
tell/know what is right and what is wrong
tell/know (between) good and bad
discern (between) good and bad
discern good from bad
He is tolerant to almost all sorts of people/ideas.
He can tactfully handle all sorts of ideas/people.
He doesn’t reject ideas different from his own.
He is broad-minded enough to associate with all sorts/types of people (people of all sorts/types).