Maroney's suit also names as a defendant Michigan State University, where Nassar worked as a doctor. The complaint alleges that MSU received complaints from two female student athletes, including a women's softball player, of improper touching by Nassar during medical treatment starting in the late 1990s. Despite this knowledge, the lawsuit claims, MSU allowed Nassar to treat minors affiliated with USA Gymnastics, including Maroney. A representative for MSU said it does not comment on ongoing litigation.
In the complaint, Maroney alleges that Nassar molested her "before, during and after trainings and competitions," including before the World Gymnastics Championships in Tokyo in 2011, when she was 15.
そうなると、必然的にtwo trainings, three trainingsと数えるようになります。でも下記のようにたくさんの数ではなくて種類を表す複数として使われる場合もあります。この場合は上記の例のような数を表すたくさんのトレーニングとしてのtraining sessionsの意味ではありません。異なった二種類の訓練ということです。下記の下線部の意味が分かりますか。分かる人は文法がとてもよく分かっていますし、前に書かれていることとのつながり(文脈)がよく分かっています。There’s a hint in the usage of “ought.”
Which am I, as a boy, naturally most ready to do―to try how high I can jump? or to try how much I can learn? Which training comes easiest to me as a young man?
The training which teaches me to handle an oar? or the training which teaches me to return good for evil, and to love my neighbor as myself?
Of those two experiments, of those two trainings, which ought society in England to meet with the warmest encouragement? And which does society in England practically encourage, as a matter of fact?”
(Man and Wife Wilkie Collins)
All rights reserved by Etsuo Kobyashi: since January 27th, 2018 [total] [yesterday] [today] 八王子の私立大学教授による盗作例 |
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