Photoinduced Shape Changes of Diarylethene Single Crystals:
Correlation between Shape Changes and Molecular Packing
L. Kuroki, S. Takami, K. Yoza, M. Morimoto, M. Irie
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 9, 221-225 (2010)
@@Correlation between photoinduced shape changes of diarylethene single
crystals and their molecular packing in the crystals was studied. The single
crystal of 1,2-bis(5-ethyl-2-phenyl-4-thiazolyl)perfluorocyclopentene (1a)
showed photoinduced deformation from square to lozenge similar as that
of 1,2-bis-(2-ethyl-5-phenyl-3-thienyl) perfluorocyclopentene (2a). Although
the two diarylethenes have different electronic structures and exhibit
different colors upon UV irradiation, the crystallographic structures and
molecular packing of the crystals are very similar each other. The result
indicates that the deformation of bulk crystals is determined by the packing mode of component molecules in the crystal.