Tomohiro Harada


「ニュートン科学の学校シリーズ 時間の学校」 監修:原田 知広, 田中真樹 (ニュートンプレス)が発刊されました。 アマゾン
My essay has been published on the "Birth of an Idea". link
I delivered an invited talk entitled "Formation of PBHs: introduction, spins and type II" on the International Conference “Barcelona Black Holes I” at University of Barcelona. BBHI
Akihito Katsumata won the excellent presentation award on Master's projects presentation from Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Rikkyo University. Congratulations! link
「世界でいちばん素敵な時間の教室」 監修:原田 知広, 匠 英一 (三才ブックス)が発刊されました。 アマゾン
We organised the international workshop entitled "Dynamics of primordial black hole formation" at Rikkyo University. DPBHF
「Newton大図鑑シリーズ 時間大図鑑」、監修:田中真樹・原田知広(ニュートンプレス)が発刊されました。 アマゾン
「宇宙まるごとQ & A」、北本俊二・原田知広・亀田真吾(理工図書)が発刊されました。 アマゾン


Short biography: Tomohiro Harada is a professor of physics at Rikkyo University . He belongs to Institute of Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics. He received his PhD from Kyoto University in 1999. Right after his PhD, he joined the same institute as a postdoctoral fellow. Prior to moving to Rikkyo University, he held postdoctoral positions at Waseda University, Queen Mary University of London and Kyoto University. He took up a lecturership at Rikkyo University in 2006. He was promoted to associate professor in 2008 and to full professor in 2015. He works in the research field of general relativity, relativistic astrophysics and cosmology. His research interest includes black hole physics, gravitational waves, primordial black holes, gravitational collapse, spacetimes singularities and dark energy. He has been a member of Physical Society of Japan since 1996, Astronomical Society of Japan since 1996, Rironkon since 1997, International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation since 2007 and "JGRG" (Japanese Society on General Relativity and Gravitation) since its establishment in 2020. He has represented the Japanese Society on General Relativity and Gravitation since September 2021.

Address : Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Toshima, Tokyo 171-8501, Japan

Contact: E-mail :, Fax : +81 3 3985 2412



身分:立教大学理学部教授・京都大学博士(理 学)


住所:〒171-8501 東京都豊島区西池袋 3-34-1 立教大学理学部

居室: 4331, 電子メール


研究テーマ:ブラックホール物理学・重力波・原始ブラックホール・重力崩 壊・時空特異点・自己相似解・ダークエネルギーなど

会員:日本物理学会(1996-)・日本天文学会(1996-)・理論天文学宇宙物理学懇談会(1997-)・一般相対論と重力に関する国際学会(2007-)・ "JGRG" (組織発足2020-)