Jan/ 21/ 2008

MURASE's Research

College of Sociology, Rikkyo University

PDFs of murase's papers

Social Stratification, Social Networks and Other Social Resources, Political Sociology, Statistical Social Survey.

2.RESEARCH PROJECTS which Murase have attended

The network and social consciousness surveys (NSC-KJ surveys) in Korea and Japan.
  conducted by the budget of Murase from the grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan.
    The Surveys of Korea (in Seoul, Deagu, Chuncheon, other city: 2003-2008).
    The 3 Areas Surveys of Japan (in Tokyo, Sendai City, Senpoku County: 1997-1999).

The 1995 SSM Survey (The National Survey of Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Japan).
The Surveys about Consciousness of Education and Society of High School Students and Their Parents in Sendai Area, Japan (1994,1999).
The Survey of Citizens of Sendai about Voting Behavior (1994).
The Survey of Citizens of Sendai about Life & Environment (1993).

Sorry, below informations are old.

3.1.Books (in Japanese)
2007.  Multivariate Analysis by SPSS. Murase ed. Tokyo: Ohmsha.
2006.  "Sociology of Class and Stratification."Sociology easy to understand. pp.86-99. Kyoto: Minelva Shobo.
1998. "Power." in KURITA Nobuyoshi ed. Databook Sociology. pp.138-144. Tokyo: Kawashima Syoten.
1994. Report of the Survey of Citizens of Sendai about Life & Environment. Sendai:
    Working Group on Life & Environment, Tohoku University.

3.2.Articles Presentations in English 2007. "Geographical difference of recycling behavior and social resources: Data analysis about possession of information and relational resource in Japan." 2007 Beijing International Conference on Environmental Sociology, Renmin University, Beijing, People's Republic of China. 2006. "The general model of cooperative behavior and possession of information: Data analysis of social resource and social dilemma in the environmental problem." Korean Sociological Association meeting, Chonbuk National University, Korea. 2003. "Social Stratification and Relational Resource: Association between Networks with Influential People and Political Attitude in Japan." International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) 2003Winter Meeting, University of Tokyo Papers in Japanese 2002a. "The mechanism about possession of relational resource with influential people." The report of 3 area survey of network and social consciousness. Rikkyo University. 2002b. "The Structure of Japanese Social Consciousness and the Difference in Areas: The Analysis of the SSM Survey about the Sense of Social Unfairness and Policy Preference." Study of Sociology (Shakaigaku Kenkyu) No.72:89-110. Tohoku Sociological Association ). 2001. "The area comparison of networks with influential person: The metrical analysis of the 3 area surveys about the determinants of possession of relational resource." Applied Sociological Research Vol.42:17-27. College of Social Relations, Rikkyo University. 2001. "The Mechanism of having Authoritarian attitude: The Difference between the Attitude about Pecking order and Attitude about Respect for Traditions." In Katase, Kazuo ed. Report of the Fourth Survey about Consciousness of Education and Society of High School Students and Their Parents :193-207. Sendai: Tohoku University Working Group on Educational Culture. 1999. Inequality of Political Power in Democratic Society: Relation between Relational Resource and Political Attitude in Social Stratification. A doctoral dissertation submitted to Tohoku University: Sendai. 1999. "Determinants of Social Networks with Influential People: Social Stratification Structure of Political Influence Measured by Relational Resource." Japanese Sociological Review (Shakaigaku Hyoron) Vol.50:21-40. The Japan Sociological Society. 1998. "The Difference of Relational Resources and its Explanatory Factors: Social Stratification of Political Power Measured by Relations to Influential Persons." In Kazuo Katase ed. Political Consciousness in Contemporary Japan, The 1995 SSM Research Series Vol.7:131-150. Tokyo: Research Group for 1995 SSM (Social Stratification and Mobility) Survey. 1998. "A proposal of the New Occupational Prestige Score: The Effect of the Scale of Company on the Evaluation of Occupation." In Kazuharu Tsuzuki ed. Occupational Evaluations and Prestige Score, The 1995 SSM Research Series Vol.5:125-151. Tokyo: Research Group for 1995 SSM (Social Stratification and Mobility) Survey. 1996. "The Mechanism of Cognition about Social Stratification Structure." In Suzuki, Syoitsu, Michio Umino and Kazuo Katase ed. Report of the Third Survey about Consciousness of Education and Society of High School Students and Their Parents. pp.59-76. Sendai: Tohoku University Working Group on Educational Culture. 1995. "Why Do Rational Individual Vote? : "The Paradox of Not Voting" and the Development of its Models." The Study of Sociology (Shakaigaku Kenkyu) No.62:83-110. Sendai: Tohoku Sociological Association. 3.3.Collaborated Articles Presentations in English 2007. "Participation and Social Network:Participation and Relational Resource with Influential People in Korea and Japan." American Sociological Association 102nd Annual meeting at New York. 2006. "Relational Resource and Political Consciousness: Association between Networks with Influential People and Sense of Unfairness on Society in Korea and Japan." American Sociological Association 101st Annual meeting at Montreal. Papers in Japanese Nakano, Yasuto, Koji Abe, Yoichi Murase and Michio Umino. 1996. "Environmental Problems as Social Dilemmas: Structures of Factors Affecting the Availability of Cooperation in Waste Reduction Problems." Journal of Environmental Sociology Vol.2:123-139. The Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology. Nakano, Yasuto, Koji Abe, Yoichi Murase and Michio Umino. 1996. "Social Dilemmas in Environmental Problems: An Analysis of Waste Reduction Problems." The Study of Sociology (Shakaigaku Kenkyu) No.63:109-134. Sendai: Tohoku Sociological Association. Abe, Koji, Yoichi Murase, Nakano Yasuto and Michio Umino. 1995. "Conditions Affecting Agreement to User Charges on Waste: A Quantitative Analysis." Journal of Environmental Sociology Vol.1:117-129. The Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology. Murase, Yoichi, Abe, Koji, Nakano Yasuto and Michio Umino. 1995. "Political Participation in the Decision-Making Process about Placement of Garbage Disposal Facility in Sendai, Miyagi: A Quantitative Analysis of Answers of Open-ended Questions." Reports of the Research Institute for Japanese Culture(Nihon Bunka Kenkyusho Kenkyu Hokoku) No.32:37-51. Sendai: Tohoku University. Komatsu, Hiroshi, Koji Abe, Yoichi Murase, Kojiro Nakahara and Michio Umino. 1993. "The Effects of Communication among Neighbors on Pro-environmental Behavior: What makes People to Keep Refuse Disposal Rules?" The Study of Sociology (Shakaigaku Kenkyu) No.60:115-135. Sendai: Tohoku Sociological Association. Abe, Koji, Hiroshi Komatsu, Yoichi Murase, Kojiro Nakahara and Michio Umino. 1993. "Just Principles and Justice Sentiments: On the Cost of Waste Disposal Service." The Annual Reports of the Tohoku Sociological Society(Shakaigaku Nenpo) No.22:103-119. Sendai: Tohoku Sociological Society.

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E-mail : murase rikkyo.ac.jp

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