Tetsuo MIZUKAMI
Present Position
Senior Professor of Sociology, College of Sociology, Rikkyo University
Vice President, Rikkyo Second Stage College
Office Address
College of Sociology, Rikkyo University
3-34-1, Nishi-ikebukuro, Toshima-ku,
Tokyo, 171-8501, Japan
Phone: +81-3-3985-2176
Fax: +81-3-3985-2833
E-mail: 
Professional Positions
- PhD. (Sociology), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, December 1999 (thesis entitled, New Urban Ethnicity: Japanese Sojourner Residency in Melbourne)
- M.Phil. (Cultural Anthropology), Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, February 1992 (thesis titled, Integration of Japanese Residents into Australian Society: Immigrants and Sojourners in Brisbane)
- B.A. (Sociology), College of Sociology, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, March 1981 (thesis titled, Gendaigata suramu no nihontekikeitai – Sanya no mentarithi to seikatsu [The Characteristics of Contemporary Japanese Slum: Mentalities and Lifestyles in the Sanya District])
- Social Research Specialist Certificate (from Japanese Certification Board for Social Researcher) October 2007
Books (Single-authored)
Books (Co-authored)
- Toransunashonarizumu [Transnationalism (Key Ideas)], Tokyo: Nihonhyoronsha. 2014. (Co-translator with Nobuko Hosogaya and Kazuhisa Honda in Japanese).
- Esunishithi, jinshu, nashonarithi no yukue [Future of Ethnicity, Race, and Nationality], Kyoto: Minervashobo. 2003. (Co-translator with Ichiro Watado in Japanese).
- Gurasurutsu no kokusaikyoryu [Japan’s Internationalisation at Grass-roots Level], Tokyo: Habesutosha, 1996. (Co-author with Purnendra Jain in Japanese).
Book (Co-editored)
Academic Journal Articles
Before 2006
- “Shikagoshakaigaku to esunishithi nikansuru ichikosatsu [A Study on Chicago Sociology and Ethnicity].” Nihon toshishakaigakkai nenpo [The Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology], No.22: 201-215. 2004 September (Review Article in Japanese)
- “The Development of Sub-National Diplomacies: Japan’s Municipal Programs and Activities for International Exchanges. ” Ibunkakomyunikeshon ronshu [Intercultural Communication Review], No.2: 31-43. 2004 March
- “Posutosababu to toshiron no aratana apurochi [A New Approach to Urban Theory: A Post-suburban Perspective].” Toshimondai [Municipal Problems], Vol.93, No.5: 25-34. 2002 May
- “Sababan mozaiku – Osutoraria no daitoshiken niokeru esunikkushudan no konzaika [Suburban Mosaic: Inter-Mingling Ethnicities in Australian Metropolises].” Nihon toshishakaigakkai nenpo [The Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology], No.19: 77-86. 2001 July (Refereed in Japanese)
- “Posutosababu ni kansuru ichikosatsu – Kogaika no sinten to meruborun no kyojyudoko no jirei [A Study of Post-Suburbs: The Suburban Development and Reflections on Melbourne Residency].” Shakaigakuhyoron [Japanese Sociological Review],Vol.51, No.2: 251-263. 2000 September (Refereed in Japanese)
- “The Myth of Cultural Homogeneity and Living Together: Studies of Assimilation and Australian Multiculturalism.” Hyogokyoikudaigaku kenkyukiyo [Hyogo University of Teacher Education Journal],Vol.20: 105-116. 2000 March
- “Urban Residents' Movements and the Settlement of Foreigners in Japan: Activities of the Asian People's Friendship Society.” Asian Studies Review, Vol.22, No.3: 357-371. 1998 September (Refereed)
- “Akaruchureishon, asimireishon, integureuishon – Bunkahenyo no riron to gainen [Acculturation Assimilation and Integration: A Configuration of Conceptual Frames for Cross-Cultural Contacts].” Nihon toshishakaigakkai nenpo [The Annals of Japan Association for Urban Sociology], No.13: 55-67. 1995 June (Refereed in Japanese)
- “Sojona – Kokkyo o koeta hito no ido to setsurumentokeitai [The Sojourner: International Migration and Settlement Patterns].” Nenpo shakaigakuronshu [The Annual Review of Sociology], No.8: 131-142. 1995 June (Refereed in Japanese)
- “The Effect of Social Changes on Neighbourhood Associations and their Performance in Japanese Urban Communities.” Oyoshakaigakukenkyu [The Journal of Applied Sociology], No.37: 179-195. 1995 March
- “Globality in Voluntary and Involuntary Migration with Foci on Japanese Society.” Oyoshakaigakukenkyu [The Journal of Applied Sociology], No.36: 159-175. 1994 March
- “Kokusaikasuru jintekikoryu to henbosuru imin kokka: Osutoraria no kokyo sabisu [Cross-national Human Mobilisation and a Changing Nation of Migrants: Australian Public Service for People with Non-English-Speaking Background].” Chiikikaihatsu [The bulletin issued from the Japan Center for Area Development Research], No. 348: 34-40. 1993 September. (in Japanese)
- “Japanese Association with Australia: A Historical Survey on Japanese Migration and Australian Immigration Policy.” Oyoshakaigakukenkyu [The Journal of Applied Sociology], No.35: 237-258. 1993 March
- “Toward a Methodology of Migration Analysis: A Review of Conceptual Framework.” Oyoshakaigakukenkyu [The Journal of Applied Sociology], No.34: 323-336. 1992 March
Book Chapters
- “Osutoraria no nihonjin komyuniti no tokucho to henbo [The characteristics and changes of Japanese communities in Australia].” In N. Yoshiwara, K. Hashimoto, and H. Kon’no (Eds.), Gurobaru-ka jidai no kaigai nihonjin shakai [Overseas Japanese society in the age of globalization]. Tokyo: Ochanomizu Shobo, pp. 199-214, 2021. (in Japanese)
- ““The Transformation of Social Ties and Communities in Three Cities”.” In D. Chang, D. Nomiya, and H. Zhang (Eds.) , Urban Development and Social Change in Megacities in East Asia: Seoul. Tokvo and Shanghai in the Past and Present.. Tokyo: Chuo University Press, pp. 147-180. 2021. (Co-authors with B. Cheong and Y. Hao)
- “'Imin' wa shakai o dokaeruka [How migrants change society].” In T. Tomoeda, M. Yamada, and T. Hirano (Eds.), Shakaigaku de egaku gendaishakai no skeccchi [Sociological Sketch on Modern Society]. Gifu: Mirai, pp.181-190, 2020. (in Japanese)
- “Japanese Brazilian Communities in Hamamatsu City: ‘Business Castle Towns’ and Multicultural Directions.” In Shanghai Municipal Commision of Housing, Urban-Rural Development and Management; Guangzhou Housing Ruban-Rural Construction Committee; Office of Science and Technology Sub-Committee of Shanghai Committee of Urban-Rural Development and Management; and Shanghai Coordination Center for World Cities Day. (Complied.), Selection of Achievement Result for 2017 World Cities Day., Xuelin Publishing House and Shanghai Renmin Press. pp.200-209. 2018.
- “Japan's Social Cohesion in Relation to Immigration Issues.” In E. Healy, and D. Arunachalam and T. Mizukami (eds.), Creating Social Cohesion in an Interdependent World: Experiences of Australia and Japan. pp.33-46, Palgrave Macmillan. 2016.
- “Social Cohesion and the Challenge of Globalization” In E. Healy, and D. Arunachalam and T. Mizukami (eds.), Creating Social Cohesion in an Interdependent World: Experiences of Australia and Japan. pp.3-31, Palgrave Macmillan. 2016. (Co-author with Ernest Healy, and Dharma Arunachalam).
- "Osutoraria no iminseisaku - Jinko eizai mondai to tabunkashugi no tenkai [An Australian Immigration Policy: Debate over Population and Economic Issues and Multiculturalism]." In K. Yoshinari, T. Mizukami, and Y. Noro (eds.), Shimin ga teiansuru korekarano iminseisaku [Citizens’ Proposal for Prospective Immigration Policies], pp.187-199, Tokyo: Gendaijinbunsha, 2015. (in Japanese).
- "Ijyukenkyu kara mita iminseisaku [Migration Policies from the Perspective of Migration Studies]." In K. Yoshinari, T. Mizukami, and Y. Noro (eds.), Shimin ga teiansuru korekarano iminseisaku [Citizens’ Proposal for Prospective Immigration Policies], pp.3-18, Tokyo: Gendaijinbunsha, 2015. (Co-author with Yoshiaki Noro in Japanese).
- “In’nashithi nokiki to saisei [Crises and Revitalization of Inner-cities].“ In Y. Matsumoto (ed.), Toshishakaigaku nyumon [Introduction of Urban Sociology], pp. 148-163, Tokyo: Yuhikaku. 2014.(in Japanese)
- “Japanese migrants and their major organisations in metropolitan Australia.” In Alomes, Eckersall, Mouer, and Tokita (Eds), Outside Asia: Japanese and Australian identities and encounters in flux, pp. 136-154, Melbourne: Japanese Studies Centre, 2011.
- “A New Epoch of Immigration for Japan: Directional Shift in Civic Organizational Support for Newcomer Settlement.” In H. Vinken, Y. Nishimura, B.L.J. White, and M. Deguchi (Eds.), Civic Engagement in Contemporary Japan: Established and Emerging Repertoires, New York: Springer, pp.101-116. 2010.
- “Meruthingu potto kara toransunashonaru komyunithi e – Kokusaitekina hito no ido to dokariron no suii [From Melting Pot to Transnational Community: Global Migration and Changes in Assimilation Theory].” In T. Mizukami, R. Korenaga, Y. Sunakawa, M. Fukunaga, and Y. Honda (Eds.), Kokosei no tameno shakaigaku – Michinaru nichijyo eno boken [A Stranger in Everyday Life: Sociology for Beginners]. Tokyo: Habesutosha, pp.284-296, 2009. (in Japanese)
- “Daitoshi no supuroruka to togoseisaku – Osutoraria no toshikaihatsu no jirei [Sprawl of Metropolitan Areas and Consolidated Policies: A Case of Australia].” In K. Hashimoto, H. Fujita, and N. Yoshihara (eds.) Sekai no toshishakaikeikaku [Urban Social Planning in the World], pp.56-78, Tokyo: Toshindo. 2008 December(in Japanese)
- “Gurobarutoshikokka to ekusupatorieito komyunithi ? Nihon kara singaporu eno jinkoido o jireini [The Global City-State and Expatriate Communities with a Focus upon Migration from Japan to Singapore].” In Hito no ido to bunkahenyo kenkyu senta [Centre for Human Migration and Acculturation Studies] (ed.) Kokusaitekina hito no ido to bunkahenyo [International migration and Cultural Changes], pp.80-98, Tokyo: Habesutosha. 2008 March.(in Japanese)
Before 2006
- “Asoshieshon to boranthia nettowaku [Associations and Volunteer Networks].” In M.Sasaki (ed.) Daigakusei no borantia nikansuru shakaigakuteki jishohokoku [Empirical Surveys on University Students’ Volunteers from Sociological Perspective], pp.467-481, Kyoto: Minervashobo. 2003 June. (Co-author with Hideki Mori in Japanese)
- “Chiikishakai to borantiakatudo [Local Community and Volunteer Activity].” In M.Sasaki (ed.) Daigakusei no borantia nikansuru shakaigakuteki jishohokoku [Empirical Surveys on University Students’ Volunteers from Sociological Perspective], pp.3-21, Kyoto: Minervashobo. 2003 June. (in Japanese)
- “Posutometoroporisuki no toshikukan to esunikku komyunithi [Urban Space and Ethnic Community in an Era of Postmetropolis].” In I. Watado, Y. Hirota, and J. Tajima (eds.) Toshitekisekai/komyunithi/esunishithi [Urban World, Community, and Ethnicity], pp.127-144, Tokyo: Akashishoten. 2003 February. (in Japanese)
- “Siu no sojona – shokisikago monografu to chugokujin komyunithi no firudowaku [The Sojourner by Siu: Early Chicago Monographs and Fieldwork on Chinese Communities].” In Dento to sozo [Traditions and Creation], pp.158-170, Kyoto: Jinbunshoin. 2000 March.(in Japanese)
- “Doka yugo riron o koete – Tayosei ni mukete [Beyond the Theories on Assimilation and Amalgamation for Prospective Cultural Variety].” In M. Okuda (ed.) Toshiesunisithi no shakaigaku [Sociology of Urban Ethnicity], pp.205-225, Kyoto: Minervashobo. 1997 July.(in Japanese)
- “Kokusaikoryu to tabunkakyoiku eno apurochi [International Exchanges and Approaches to Multicultural Education].” In Y. Hirota (ed.) Tabunkashugi to tabunkakyoiku [Multiculturalism and Multicultural Education], pp.151-173, Tokyo: Akashishoten. 1996 January(in Japanese)
Research Papers
- “Ethnic Schools in Japan: their Characteristics of the Yokohama District,“ The International symposium Proceedings, Global Migration and Transnational Activities in the Pacific Rim, The National University of Taiwan, Taiwan. pp.4-14, 2014 October
- “Multiculturalism in Japan: The Development of Ethnicity Studies of Japanese Urban Communities.“ at SSK (Social Science of Korea) International Conference Proceedings, Multiculturalism in Asia, pp. 14-21, Korea: Keimyung University. 2012 June
- “Kokusaitekina hito no ido to gurobaru toshikokka ? Nihon kara singaporu eno jinkoido o jireini [International Migration and the Global City-State: A Case of Population Movement from Japan to Singapore].” Kantaiheiyo niokeru hito no ido to bunkahenyo [Human Migration and Acculturation in the Pacific Rim], pp. 58-66, Tokyo: Rikkyo University. 2007 September
- “Singaporu no nihonjin ekusupatorieito komyunithi [The Japanese Expatriate Community in Singapore].” In K. Sakuma (ed.), Oya to ko no Gurobaruka to shiminken no kokusaihikaku [International Comparative Research on Migration of Parents and Children Relating to Globalisation and Citizenship] (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 〈Kakenhi〉 Reports), pp. 26-32, Tokyo: Rikkyo University. 2006 March
Before 2006
- “Osutoraria niokeru nashonaru aidenthithi no mosaku – Tabunkashugi to 20seikimatu no mainorithi nitaisuru giron o jirei ni [To Seek for National Identity in Australia: Some Arguments for Minorities at the end of the 20th Century].” In M. Sasaki (ed.) , Gurobaruka to nashonaru aidenthithi nikansuru ishikikozo nitsuiteno jisshotekikenkyu [The Empirical Research into the Public Consciousness on the Globalisation and National Identities] (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 〈Kakenhi〉 Reports), pp. 123-148, Hyogo: Hyogo Kyoiku University. 2004 October
- “Gakko o torimaku ibunkarikai/ kusairikai oyobi kokusaikoryu nikansuru hokoku [A Study on Intercultural and International Understandings Surrounding Schools].” In Ibunkarikaikyoiku no jissen ni mukete [Towards the Practices in Education for Intercultural Understanding], pp. 52-65, Hyogo: Hyogo Kyoiku University. 2001 March
- (Co-author with Hideki MORI) “Yoroppa niokeru gakusei boranthia o torimaku jyokyo [A Study on Student-Volunteers and their Social Backgrounds in Europe].” In Gakusei no boranthia suisin nikansuru chosakenkyu hokokusho [The Research on the Promotion of Student-Volunteers], pp. 105-118, Tokyo: Naigaigakuseisenta [Japan Centre for Students]. 2001 March
Other Publications
Before 2006
- (Session Report) ”Education on Multi Culture and History.” Studies on Human Migration and Acculturation: Proceedings of the Symposium, pp.xiv-xv. Tokyo: Rikkyo University. 2005.
- (Book Review in Japanese) “Ibunkarikai no dhisukosu [Discourses of Inter-Cultural Understanding].” By H. Mabuchi. Shakaigakuhyoron, Vol. 54, No. 2: 229-230. 2003 October
- (Subject in Encyclopaedia in Japanese) “Osutoraria no indojin [Indians in Australia].” Minamiajia o siru jiten [Encyclopaedia for Understanding South Asia]. Tokyo: Heibonsha: p.913. 2002 April
- (Book Review in Japanese) “Toshikomyunithi to esunishithi [Urban Communities and Ethnicities].” By T. Yamamoto. Shakaigakuhyoron, Vol. 48, No. 4: 482-484. 1998 March
- (Book Review in Japanese) “Jichitai no gaikokujinseisaku [Municipal Governments’ Policies Toward Foreign Residents].” by H. Komai and I. Watado, Chiikikaihatsu, No.399: 50-56. 1997 December
- (Conference Report) “12th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Urban Sociology.” Asian Studies Review, Vol. 18, No.3: 131-132. 1995 April
- (Book Review) “Toshi to Chiiki no Bunmyaku o Motomete [The Prospective Urban Mechanisms: In Pursuit of the Contextual Framework of the Metropolis and Community Coordination].” By M. Okuda. Japanese Studies Bulletin, Vol.14, No.1: 134-136. 1994 May
- (Conference Report) “11th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Urban Sociology.” Asian Studies Review, Vol. 17, No.2: 153-154. 1993 November
- (Book Review) “Ikebukuro no Ajiakei Gaikokujin -Shakaigakuteki Jittaihokoku [Asian Foreigners in the Ikebukuro District — A Sociological Portrait of their Actual Conditions]” by M. Okuda and J. Tajima. Japanese Studies Bulletin, Vol.12, No.1: 95-97. 1992 April
- (Book Review in Japanese) “Komyunithi no riron to seisaku [Theories and policies on the Community] by E. Isomura.” ESP (Economic Planning Agency, Japan), No. 142: 100. 1984 July
- “Banguradeshujin Atarashi so no ryunyu to dai 2 sedai iko no teichaku [The settlement of Bangladeshi ongoing generations and the newcomers’ influx in Japan].“ In Komai, H (Supervision), and M. Kobayashi (ed.) Imin diasupora kenkyu 9, hen'yo suru imin komyuniti - jikan kukan kaiso [Immigration and Diaspora Studies No.9 Transforming Immigrant Community – Time, Space, Hierarchy], Tokyo: Akashi Shoten, pp. 98-100. 2020.
- “Sozo no kyodotai to dento no sozo [Imagined communities and invented traditions].“ In Tomoeda, T., Hama, H. and M. Yamada (eds.) Shakaigaku no chikara [Sociology: Concepts and Propositions], Tokyo: Yuhikaku, pp.238-241. 2017.
- “Kokuminsei [National character/ Nationality]“ (pp.345-346); “Nihonjinron [Japanology/ National character of Japanese]” (p.402); and “Kokusaishakaigaku [Sociology of Globalization/ Transnational relations]” (pp. 579-580), in Ibunkakomyunikeshon jiten [Dictionary of Intercultural Communications]. Tokyo: Shunpusha. 2013.
- “Osutoraria no indojin [Indians in Australia].“ In (Karashima, N. (General ed.)) Minamiajia o shiru jiten [Dictionary of Knowledge in South-Asia], Tokyo: Heibonsha, p.913. 2002.
Conference Presentation
Conference Papers
- “New Challenges to the Urban Dynamics of the Global City.” International Symposium, Interdisciplinary Science: Movements in the Digital Society. Nara Kasugano International Forum, Nara, 2022 October.
- “Chinese Migration and Transnational Channels in Central Tokyo.” Preconference, 117th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Bureaucracies and Displacement. Los Angeles Convention Center & JW Marriot Los Angeles, 2022 August.
- “Chinese in Japanese ‘Lockdown’?: The Impact of the COVID-19 State of Emergency upon Migrant Community in Tokyo.” East Asian Sociological Association, The New Normal in Post Pandemic. Seoul National University Asia Center, Korea & Online Meeting, 2021 June.
- “The Generation of Bangladesh Communities in Japan.” International symposium, Social Cohesion and Urban Ethnicity. Monash University, Melbourne, 2020 January.
- “The University’s Two Pioneering Inner-City Research Projects Left on Japan’s Sociological Trails.” International Conference, Urban Culture and Spaces for Social Empathy. Social Cohesion and Urban Ethnicity. University of Seoul, Seoul, 2019 November.
- “The Changes in the Pattern of Japanese Migration to Australia.” International symposium, Social Cohesion and Migrants’ Participation in the Host Community. Monash University, Melbourne, 2019 March.
- “Japanese Movements and Concentration Patterns in Australian Metropolises.” International symposium, Urban Community Lives and Migrants’ Social Cohesion. Monash University, Melbourne, 2018 February.
- “Transnational Channels in Central Tokyo: Increase in the Foreign Population and Migrants’ Social Cohesion.” International symposium, The Social Cohesion and Contemporary Urban Communities. Monash University, Melbourne, 2017 March.
- “The Regional Trends of Japanese Migration: A Focus upon Australia.” Japan in Australia Conference 50 Years of Japanese Studies. University of Queensland, Brisbane, 2016 November.
- “Zainichi Banguradeshujin komyunithi no henka to kikan imin nikansuru kenkyu [A Study on Bangladeshi Communities in Japan and Return Migrants from Japan to Bangladesh]”, Dai 89kai nihon shakaigakkai [18th Annual Conference of the Japan Sociological Association]. Kyushu University, Fukuoka. 2016 October. (in Japanese)
- “Overviews on Tokyo.” International Conference, Hope and Despair in Three East Asian Cities: Generations and Classes in Shanghai, Seoul, and Tokyo. Seoul National University, Seoul, 2016 October.
- “The Characteristics of Japanese Migration to Australia.” International Research and Practice Conference, Humanitarian Foundations of Social Progress: Russia and Modernity. Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Moscow, 2016 April.
- “Urban Regeneration Policies and Local Cultural Heritages: A Case of Toshima City in Central Tokyo.” at the International symposium, The Challenge of Preserving Identity and Community in Global Cities. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 2016 March.
- “Urban Renaissance Development and Municipal Renewal Projects in Inner City Tokyo.” at the International symposium, The Urban Policies and Local Cultural Heritages in Global Cities. Monash University, Melbourne, 2016 February.
- “Urban Renewal Project and Cultural Heritage: A Case of Toshima City.” at the International Conference, Locality, History and Culture in Urban Regeneration. University of Seoul, 2015 October.
- “Contemporary Ethnic Communities in Japan: The Characteristics of Inner City Tokyo.” at the International symposium, The Challenge of Preserving Identity and Community in Global Cities. Monash University, Melbourne, 2015 March.
- “Ethnic Schools in Japan: their Characteristics of the Yokohama District.” at the International symposium, Global Migration and Transnational Activities in the Pacific Rim. National Taiwan University, 2014 October.
- (With Yuezhong DUAN), “The Effects of the Ethnic Business Enterprise on Local Shopping Mall in Central Tokyo.“ at XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Facing Inequality: A proposal for sociological debate. Pacifico Yokohama. Japan. 2014 July.
- “The Character of Ethnic Communities in Tokyo: A Case of the Ikebukuro District,” at the International symposium, Socio-Cultural Change in Global Cities, University of Seoul, Korea. 2013 October.
- “Directional Shift of Japanese Schools in Melbourne.” at the 19th Biennial Conference, Asian Studies Association of Australia “KNOWING ASIA: ASIAN STUDIES IN AN ASIAN CENTURY.” The University of Western Sydney (Parramatta), Australia. 2012 July.
- “A Civic Movement Assisting in the Settlement of Foreigners in Japan.” at the 38th World Congress of International Institute of Sociology, Budapest, Hungary, 2008 June.
- “The Changing Roles of Non-Governmental Organisations for Foreigners’ Settlements in Japan.” at the Minpaku Meeting, Komazawa University (Tokyo), Japan. 2007 January
Before 2006
- “The Right for Residency in Japan: The Debate about Undocumented Foreigners’ Action.” at the 36th World Congress of International Institute of Sociology, Beijing, China. 2004 July.
- “Japanese Expatriate Communities and their Ethnic Schools in Australian Metropolises” at the 13th Biennial International Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia. Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. 2003 July.
- “Grassroots Strategies for International Exchange: Japanese Municipality Programmes and Activities” at the 35th World Congress of International Institute of Sociology, Krakov, Poland. 2001 July.
- “Post-War Suburbanisation and Ethnic Diversity in Australian Metropolises” at the 3rd International Conference of Asian Studies Frontier Research Project, Rikkyo University, Tokyo. 2001 June.
- “Esunikkushudan no konzaika – Meruborun no jirei o chusin ni [Co-Existence of Various Ethnic Groups with Foci on Cases in Melbourne]” at Dai 18kai nihon toshishakaigakkai [18th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Urban Sociology]. Meisei University, Tokyo. 2000 July. (in Japanese)
- “Human Movement, Ethnic Schools and the Globalising Economy: Japanese Schools in Australia” at the 34th World Congress of International Institute of Sociology, Tel Aviv University, Israel, 1999 July.
- “Japan’s New Residents’ Movements in Urban Communities: Activities of the “Asian People’s Friendship Society” at the 9th Biennial International Conference of the Japanese Studies Association of Australia. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 1995 July.
- “The Characteristics of Contemporary Japanese Emigration” at the 13th Biennial International Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia. Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, 1994 July.
- “Gurobarumaigureshonjidai to togoseisaku tenkan no shakaigakutekiimi – osutoraria no jireikara [Global Migration and Sociological Meaning of Changes in Integration Policy]” at Dai 11kai nihon toshishakaigakkai [11th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Urban Sociology]. 1993 June. (in Japanese)
- “Nikkei zaiju-hojin no integureishon keitai - Burisuben no jireihokoku [The Characteristics of Integration among Japanese Living in Brisbane]” at Dai 10kai nihon toshishakaigakkai [10th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Urban Sociology]. 1992 June. (in Japanese)
- “Integration of Japanese Residents to the Host Society of Australia” at the 11th Biennial International Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia. Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. 1990 July.
Session Organiser, Chair, and Commentator
- (Session Organiser, with Andrey Rezaev) “The Facts, Problems, and Prospects for the Development of Transnational Migration Communities in the Rim Pacific Countries’ Global Cities in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Online Culture: Comparative Perspectives.” at Preconference, 117th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Bureaucracies and Displacement., Los Angeles Convention Center & JW Marriot Los Angeles. 2022 August.
- (Roundtable Organiser, with Jang Wongho) “Reality and Prospects for the New Urban Ethnicity in Global Cities.” at Preconference, 117th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Bureaucracies and Displacement., Los Angeles Convention Center & JW Marriot Los Angeles. 2022 August.
- (Session Organiser, with Andrey Rezaev) “Comparative Research in Transnational Migration.” at International Sociological Association IV Forum of Sociology, Challenges of the 21st Century: Democracy, Environment, Inequalities, Intersectionality, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Online. 2021 February.
- (Chairperson) Session II, Urban Cultural Space and Sustainable Urban Regeneration at International symposium, The Wind from the Future: Sustainable Urban Development in East Asian Cities. Rikkyo University, Tokyo. 2016 October.
- (Discussant) “A Comparison of Australian and Japanese Immigration Issues.” at Kantoh (Metropolitan) Sociological Society's Theme Session, Inclusion and Exclusion, and the Invited Guest Speaker, Professor Andrew MARKUS (Monash University) presented a paper, “Australian attitudes to immigration and multiculturalism.” Chiba University, Chiba. 2015 June.
- (Discussant) “Migration Patterns: A Case of Japanese to Australia.” at Kantoh (Metropolitan) Sociological Society's Theme Session, New Development of Economic Sociology and Ethnic/Migration Studies, and the Invited Guest Speaker, Professor Alejandro PORTES (Princeton University) presented a paper, “Immigrant Entrepreneurship, Transnationalism, and Development.” Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo. 2013 June.
- (Chairperson) “Japan and its Social Health.” at the Conference, To what extent is Japan in decline? at University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. 2009, November.
- (Session Organiser: Joint Session with Japan Association for Urban Sociology) “Community Solidarity and Institutionalisation of Urban Movements, Part II: Urban Developments and Resultant Hierarchical Order.” at International Sociological Association, Research Committee 21 (RC21) on Landscapes of Global Urbanism: Power, Marginality, and Creativity, at International House, Tokyo, Japan. 2008 December
- (Session Organiser: Joint Session with Japan Association for Urban Sociology) “Community Solidarity and Institutionalisation of Urban Movements, Part I: Emergence of Collective Actions from Social Changes.” at International Sociological Association, Research Committee 21 (RC21) on Landscapes of Global Urbanism: Power, Marginality, and Creativity, at International House, Tokyo, Japan. 2008 December
- (Session Organiser) “Prospects and Experiences of Multicultural Community in an Era of Global Migration” at International Symposium on Current Status and Prospects of Sociology in Asia, 50th Anniversary of College of Sociology, Rikkyo University, at Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan. 2008 October
- (Commentator)“Honorary or Honorable?: A Study of Japanese Residents in South Africa during the Apartheid era With Special Reference to their Experiences and Understanding of their Status in the White-Dominant Society” at The Third Master Theses Seminar of Kanto Shakaigakkai [Kanto Sociological Society], Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan. 2008 May
- (Session Organiser) “Impact of Ethnic Organisations on the Urban Life.” at International Sociological Association, Research Committee 21 (RC21) on Sociology of Urban and Regional Development of the International Sociological Association, Urban Justice and Sustainability, at the University of Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 2007 August
- (Session Organiser) “Towards an Era of Global Migration.” at International Symposium on Human Migration and Acculturation in the Pacific Rim, at Niiza Campus, Rikkyo University, Saitama, Japan. 2007 July
Before 2006
- (Chairperson) “The Environment and Cultural Specificity of Theories.” Japanese Studies Association of Australia, 14th Biennial Conference, Adelaide, Australia. 2005 July
- (Commentator) “Education on Multiculture and History” at International Symposium of Studies on Human Migration and Acculturation, at National Women's Education Center, Saitama, Japan. 2005 July
- (Session Organiser) “Globalisation and Japanese Cities.” at 36th World Congress of International Institute of Sociology, Beijing, China. 2004 July
- (Chairperson) “Law in Japanese Studies.” At Japanese Studies Association of Australia, 10th Biennial Conference, Melbourne, Australia. 1997 July
Keynote and Invited Conference/ Seminar Speaker
- (Paper Presenter) “The Developments of Ethnic Towns in Inner-City Tokyo.“ at The 5th East-Asian Urban Study Symposium, Urban Culture in the Process of Urban Redevelopment: Experience of East Asia, Tongji University, China. 2014 November.
- (Keynote Speaker) “Multiculturalism in Japan: The Development of Ethnicity Studies of Japanese Urban Communities.” at SSK (Social Science of Korea) International Conference, Keimyung University, Korea, 2012 June.
- (Paper Presenter) “Directional Shifts in Yokohama City's Chinese Schools.” at the International Symposium, “Urban Culture in the Process of Urban Regeneration: Learning from East Asian Experiences,” Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 2011 November.
- (Lecture in Japanese) “Ijyu no shakaigaku [Sociology of Migration].” at the Seminar of the Hope Connection, Grattan Gardens Community Centre, Melbourne, Australia. 2010 June.
- (Paper Presenter) “The Japanese Population in Australia's Major Cities.” at the Symposium, Japanese Communities in Transition: Australia 2010. at Japanese Studies Centre, Melbourne., Australia. 2010 March.
- (Lecture) “The Singaporean Characteristics of a Japanese Community in Global-City State.” at the Staff Seminar of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. 2010 January.
- (Lecture) “The Debate about Ethnically-Oriented Social Changes in the Central Tokyo with Particular Focus upon the Ikebukuro District.” at Japanese Studies Centre, Melbourne. 2009 October.
- (Lecture) “Osutoraria no tabunkashugi kara manabu [To Learn from the Australian Multiculturalism].” at Staff Seminar of the Asian People’s Friendship Society, Itabashi-Ward Green Hall, Tokyo, Japan. 2007 November
- (Keynote Speaker) “Frames for the research into Japanese migration.” at Book Launch Session on The sojourner community: Japanese migration and residency in Australia (Brill, 2007) by Tetsuo Mizukami, at the Japanese Studies Centre, Melbourne, Australia. 2007 September
- (Paper Presenter) “Japanese Organisations in Metropolitan Australia with a Major Focus upon Melbourne.” at the Conference, Japan Relates: Australia, Asia, The World: Australia-Japan Relations and the Future of Japanese Studies, Cable Beach Club Resort Broome, Australia. 2006 December
- (Keynote Addressor) “Contemporary Japanese Migration to Australia.” at the Conference of Monash University 40th Anniversary of Japanese Studies Program, Japanese Studies Centre, Melbourne, Australia. 2006 August
Before 2006
- (Paper Presenter) “Culture and Generation Studies from Urban Sociological Point of View.” International Meeting of Consortium for Culture and Generation Studies, Berlin, Germany, 2001 May
- (Lecture) “Osutoraria niokeru iminnanmin notayoka to kyosei eno mosaku [Diversification of Immigrants’ and Refugees’ Backgrounds and Prospects for Living Together].” Asian Studies Frontier Research Project Seminar, Rikkyo University, Tokyo. 2000 May
- (Lecture) “Ethnicity Issues in Japan’s Urban Sociology.” Seminar of Monash Asia Institute and Japanese Studies Centre, Melbourne, 1996 September
- (Lecture) “Contemporary Urban Community Studies in Japan and Issues of Foreign Residents.” at Staff Seminar of the Centre for Asian Studies, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia. 1995 September
- (Lecture) “The Attitudes of Japanese Residents Towards Life in Australia.” at Seminar of the Japanese Study Centre, Melbourne, Australia. 1993 June
Administrative Appointments
- Dean, College of Sociology, Rikkyo University (2019 April - 2023 March).
- Director, Center for Statistics and Information, Rikkyo University (2019 April - 2023 March).
- Director, Rikkyo Institute for Global Urban Studies (2014 April - 2016 March).
- Doctorate Course Head ( College of Sociology), Rikkyo University (April 2015 – March 2016).
- Director, Rikkyo Institute for Peace and Community Studies (2013 April - 2015 March).
- Undergraduate Course Head (Department of Contemporary Culture and Society), College of Sociology, Rikkyo University (April 2013 – March 2015).
- Postgraduate Course Head (Applied Sociology), College of Sociology, Rikkyo University (April 2007 – March 2009; and April 2011 – March 2013)
- Vice-Director, Centre for International Studies, Rikkyo University (April 2007 – March 2009)
- President's Associate, Hyogo Kyoiku University, Hyogo, Japan (April 2001 - March 2002)
Past Administrative and Researcher Positions
- Administration Board Member, Centre for Human Migration and Acculturation Studies, Rikkyo University (April 2003 - March 2008),
- Administration Board Member, Rikkyo Institute for Global Urban Studies, Rikkyo University (July 2008 - to Date),
- Research Associate, National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku), Osaka, Japan (2006-2009)
- Researcher, Centre for Human Migration and Acculturation Studies, Rikkyo University (April 2003 - March 2008)
- Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (September 2009 - August 2010).
- Researcher, Rikkyo Institute for Global Urban Studies, Rikkyo University (July 2008 - to Date)
Postgraduate Research Supervisions
- Research Project A: Global Migration and Transnational Relations: A Case of Japan and Bangladesh
Doctorate Thesis
- "Changing Relationships in Japanese Expatriate Families and Local Communities: The Case of the Düsseldorf Japanese Community" (in Japanese) by Dr. Yuko Miura (2019)
- "The Characteristics of Childcare in 'Multicultural Space': The Case of Okubo Ward in Inner City Tokyo" (in Japanese) by Dr. Mitsuko Ono (2016)
Master Thesis
- A Study on the Transnational Activities of Chinese Entrepreneurs in Japan: With a Focus on the Chinese from Zhejiang Province (in Japanese) by Miss Xujing He (2016 March)
- A Sociological Research on Establishing Review Standards in "Administrative Discretion": Based on the Analysis of Reasons Why the Status of Residence for "Business Manager" is Unauthorized or Unissued (in Japanese) by Mr. Hidemasa Kondo (2018 March)
Undergraduate Research Supervisions
Professional Affiliations
- Member, IIS (International Institute of Sociology)
- Member, ISA (International Sociological Association) (Member, Thematic Group 06, Sociology of Local-Global Relations; Research Committee 21, Urban and Regional Development; and Research Committee 31, Sociology of Migration)
- Member, JSAA (Japanese Studies Association of Australia)
- Member, ASAA (Asian Studies Association of Australia)
- Member (Representative of Japan section), CCGS (Consortium for Culture and Generation Studies)
- Member, Nihonshakaigakkai [Japanese Sociological Association]
- Member, Nihontoshishakaigakkai [Japan Association for Urban Sociology]
- Member, Nihontoshigakkai [Japanese Association for Urban Studies]
- Member, Kanto shakaigakkai [Kanto Sociological Society]
- Member, Chiikishakaigakkai [Japan’s Association for Regional and Community Studies]
Service to the Profession
- Promotion Council Member, “ Culture City of East Asia 2019 Toshima ” (2019 February - 2019 November)
- Organising Committee Member, International Sociological Association - Research Committee 21 Tokyo Conference, Landscapes of Global Urbanism: Power, Marginality, and Creativity, December 2008
- Organising Committee Member, International Symposium on Current Status and Prospects of Sociology in Asia, 50th anniversary, College of Sociology, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, October 2008.
- Conference Planning Committee Member, Japan Association for Urban Sociology (2001-2003; 2005-2007; and 2007-2009)
- Organising Committee Member, International Symposium on Human Migration and Acculturation in the Pacific Rim, at Niiza Campus, Rikkyo University, July 2007.
- International Affairs Committee Member, Japan Association for Urban Sociology (2007-2009)
Research Grants
- Head of the Project, Toransunashonaru komyunithi to rokaru komyunithi no kyodo mekanizumu no kenkyu [Research into Mechanisms of Cooperation between Transnational Communities and Local Communities]. (2014-2017)
- Member of the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research in Japan. (Head: Kazuaki KURITA) Kantaiheiyo chiiki niokeru ijyusha komyunithi no dotai no hikakukenkyu [Comparative Research in Dynamisms on Migrants Communities in the Pacific Rim]. (2011-2014)
- Member of the Project, Rikkyo University Special Fund for Research, (Head: Yasushi MATSUMOTO) Gurobarutoshi niokeru toshiseisaku to shiminkyodo [Urban Policies and Citizens’ Cooperative Activities in Global Cities]. (2007-2008)
- Head of the Project, Rikkyo University Special Fund for Research, Esunikku komyunithi no toransunashonaruna koryu nikansuru shakaigakutekikenkyu [Sociological Study on Transnational Networks in Ethnic Communities]. (2008)
- Head of the Project, Rikkyo University Special Fund for Research, Nichigokan no toransunashonaruna toshikoryu nikansuru kenkyu [A Study on Transnational Urban Networks in Japan and Australia]. (2007)
- Head of the Project, Rikkyo University Special Fund for Research, Toransunashonaruna bunkakoryu nikansuru kenkyu – Nichigokan no jirei o chusinni [A Study on Transnational Cultural Exchanges between Japan and Australia]. (2006)
Before 2006
- Head of the Project, Rikkyo University Special Fund for Research, Nichigokan no ritan maigureshon nikansuru shakaigakutekikenkyu [Sociological Study on Return Migrations from Australia to Japan]. (2005)
- Head of the Project, Rikkyo University Special Fund for Research, Osutoraria no nihonjin komyunithi nikansuru shakaigakutekikenkyu [Sociological Study on Japanese Communities in Australia]. (2003)
- Head of the Research Project, Grant for Faculty Development by Monbukagakusho [Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology], Ibunkarikaikyoiku no jissen ni mukete [Towards an Educational Practice in Inter-Cultural Understanding]. (1997)
- Member of the Open Research Project by Monbukagakusho [Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology] and Rikkyo University. (Head: Kazuaki KURITA) Hito no ido to bunkahenyo [Human Migration and Acculturation Studies]. (2003-2008)
- Member of the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 〈Kaken〉 in Japan. (Head: Masao NOBE) Osutoraria no daitoshi ni sumu koreisha no shakaitekisien nettowaku [Social Support Networks amongst Aged in Australian Metropolises]. (2004-2007)
- Member of the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 〈Kaken〉 in Japan. (Head: Kosei SAKUMA) Oya to ko no Gurobaruka to shiminken no kokusaihikaku [International Comparative Research on Migration of Parents and Children Relating to Globalisation and Citizenship]. (2003-2005)
- Member of the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 〈Kaken〉 in Japan. (Head: Masamichi SASAKI) Gurobaruka to nashonaru aidenthithi nikansuru ishikikozo nitsuiteno jisshotekikenkyu [The Empirical Research into the Public Consciousness on the Globalisation and National Identities]. (2001-2003)