Lecture and Seminar Talk

  1. Tomohiro Harada, “Primordial black holes: basic concept and formation from cosmological perturbations”, 27th Nov 2024, Seminar Talk, Department of Physics, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
  2. Tomohiro Harada, “Primordial black holes, their formation and a recent topic”, 16th May 2024, Strong Group Meeting Talk, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
  3. Tomohiro Harada, “Revisiting compaction functions”, 10th May 2023, Early Universe and Ali CPT Forum run by the Particle Cosmology Group at University of Science and Technology in China, (online, invited)
  4. Tomohiro Harada, “Particle creation by horizonless compact objects”, 14th October 2019, Kobe University
  5. Tomohiro Harada, “Primordial black hole formation”, 2nd September 2019, Osaka City University
  6. 原田知広、「基礎物理学特別講義IA」(集中講義「原始ブラックホールの 形成」10コマ)、2019年9月2日-4日、大阪市立大学
  7. Tomohiro Harada, “A Brief Introduction to Traversable Wormholes”, as an invited talk for KMI Interdisciplinary Seminars, 22nd July 2019, Nagoya University
  8. Tomohiro Harada, “Formation of primordial black holes”, as invited lectures for International KEK-Cosmo and APCosPA Winter School 2019 “Primordial Black Hole”, 22nd - 24th January 2019, KEK, Tsukuba
  9. Tomohiro Harada, “Formation of primordial black holes from primordial fluctuations”, 21 November 2017, Nagoya University
  10. Tomohiro Harada, “Lecture on the analytic formula for primordial black hole formation”, 21 November 2017, Nagoya University
  11. Tomohiro Harada, “Primordial black holes formed in the matter-dominated phase of the Universe”, 19 October 2017, CENTRA, Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  12. Tomohiro Harada, “Primordial black hole formation from cosmological fluctuations”, 29 January 2016, Department of Physics, Yamaguchi University
  13. Tomohiro Harada, “Primordial black hole formation from cosmological fluctuations”, 27 November 2015, Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo
  14. Tomohiro Harada, “Primordial black hole formation from cosmological fluctuations”, 20 October 2015, Department of Physics, Nagoya University
  15. Tomohiro Harada, “Primordial black hole formation from cosmological fluctuations”, 16 October 2015, Department of Physics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo
  16. Tomohiro Harada, “Black holes as particle accelerators: a brief review”, 15 October 2014, Department of Physics, Kobe University
  17. Tomohiro Harada, “Kantowski-Sachs, Black Holes and Wormholes I”, 18 July 2014, Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  18. Tomohiro Harada, “Threshold of primordial black hole formation”, 30 May 2014, Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  19. Tomohiro Harada, “Threshold of primordial black hole formation”, 14 March 2014, Department of Physics, Osaka City University
  20. Tomohiro Harada, “Kantowski-Sachs, Black Holes and Wormholes”, 6 March 2014, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University
  21. Tomohiro Harada, “Particles from high-energy collision near a maximally rotating black hole and a maximally charged black hole” 5 July 2013, Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo
  22. Tomohiro Harada, “High-velocity collision of particles around a Kerr black hole and its implications”, 7 Feb 2013, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
  23. Tomohiro Harada, “Singularities and Self-Similarity in Gravitational Collapse”, 6 Feb 2013, Centre for Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
  24. Tomohiro Harada, “High-velocity collision of particles around a Kerr black hole”, 15 June 2012, DAMTP Friday GR Seminar, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK
  25. Tomohiro Harada, “High-velocity collision of particles around a Kerr black hole”, 2 May 2012, London Relativity and Cosmology Seminar, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
  26. Tomohiro Harada, “High-velocity collision of particles around a Kerr black hole”, 6 Mar 2012, College of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University
  27. Tomohiro Harada, “High-velocity collision of particles around a Kerr black hole”, 21 Feb 2012, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  28. Tomohiro Harada, “High-velocity collision of particles around a Kerr black hole”, 8 Feb 2012, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, Funabashi
  29. Tomohiro Harada, “High-velocity collision of particles around a Kerr black hole”, 13 Jan 2012, Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo
  30. Tomohiro Harada, “High-velocity collision of objects around a rotating black hole”, 12 Apr 2011, Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  31. Tomohiro Harada, “High-velocity collision of objects around a rapidly rotating black hole”, 14 Nov 2010, Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  32. Tomohiro Harada, “Black hole candidates and the Kerr bound”, 19 Apr 2010, Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  33. Tomohiro Harada, “Einstein-Rosen waves and the self-similarity hypothesis in cylindrical symmetry”, 10 Mar 2010, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, UK
  34. Tomohiro Harada, “Loop quantum gravity: an insight into spacetime singularity”, 9 Nov 2009, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
  35. Tomohiro Harada, “Einstein-Rosen waves and the self-similarity hypothesis in cylindrical symmetry”, 30 Oct 2009, Department of Physics, Osaka City University
  36. Tomohiro Harada, “Einstein-Rosen waves and the self-similarity hypothesis in cylindrical symmetry”, 9 Oct 2009, Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo
  37. Tomohiro Harada, “Einstein-Rosen waves and the self-similarity hypothesis in cylindrical symmetry”, 1 Jun 2009, Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  38. Tomohiro Harada, “Spherical dust collapse from the perspective of loop quantum gravity”, 5 Nov 2008, Centro de Estudios Cientificos, Valdivia, Chile
  39. Tomohiro Harada, “Singularities and self-similarity in gravitational collapse”, 3 Nov 2008, Centro de Estudios Cientificos, Valdivia, Chile
  40. Tomohiro Harada, “Spherical dust collapse from the perspective of loop quantum gravity”, 16 Dec 2008, Department of Physics, Osaka City University
  41. Tomohiro Harada, “Self-similar black holes in an accelerated universe”, 23 June 2008, Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  42. Tomohiro Harada, “Self-similar black holes in an accelerated universe”, 6 June 2008, Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo
  43. Tomohiro Harada, “Singularities and Self-Similarity in Gravitational Collapse”, 5 December 2006, Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  44. Tomohiro Harada, “Thermodynamical Minimum Mass of Black Holes”, 1 November 2006, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, UK
  45. Tomohiro Harada, “Black Holes in Scalar/Quitessence Cosmology”, 20 October 2006, Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo
  46. Tomohiro Harada, “Is there a black hole minimum mass?”, 18 October 2006, Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  47. Tomohiro Harada, “Black Holes in Scalar/Quitessence Cosmology”, 19 April 2006, Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
  48. Tomohiro Harada, “The Growth of Primordial Black Holes”, 20 Oct 2005, Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
  49. Tomohiro Harada, “The Growth of Primordial Black Holes”, 14 Oct 2005, Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo
  50. Tomohiro Harada, “The Growth of Primordial Black Holes”, 15 Oct 2005, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  51. Tomohiro Harada, “The Growth of Primordial Black Holes”, 29 Jul 2005, Department of Physics, Osaka City University, Osaka
  52. Tomohiro Harada, “The Growth of Primordial Black Holes”, 12 May 2005, Department of Physics, Kyoto University
  53. Tomohiro Harada, “Primordial Black Holes with a Massless Scalar Field”, 24 Feb 2005, Department of Physics, National Central University, Jhongli (Chungli), Taiwan
  54. Tomohiro Harada, “Border of spacetime, – a window into new physics beyond Einstein gravity –”, 27 Sep 2004, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut), Golm bei Potsdam, Germany
  55. Tomohiro Harada, “Self-Similar Solutions, Critical Behaviour and Convergence to Attractor in Gravitational Collapse”, 13 Jan 2004, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India
  56. Tomohiro Harada, “Computing gravitational waves from slightly nonspherical stellar collapse”, 5 Dec 2003, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University of Wales, Cardiff, UK
  57. Tomohiro Harada, “Self-Similar Solutions, Critical Behaviour and Convergence to Attractor in Gravitational Collapse”, 10 Nov 2003, Department of Mathematics, University of York, York, UK
  58. Tomohiro Harada, “Computing gravitational waves from slightly nonspherical stellar collapse”, 6 Nov 2003, Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, UK
  59. Tomohiro Harada, “Stability of self-similar solutions: kink mode perturbation”, 24 Oct 2003, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
  60. Tomohiro Harada, “Computing gravitational waves from slightly nonspherical stellar collapse”, 9 Oct 2003, Department of Mathematics, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
  61. Tomohiro Harada, “Gravitational radiation during the collapse of a supermassive star”, 21 Feb 2003, Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo
  62. Tomohiro Harada, “Convergence and criticality in Newtonian gravity”, 24 Oct 2002, Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo