Last Update - 22/07/21

Publication List of HIRAYAMA Takato

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[A] Refereed Articles(査読付き論文)

[B] Reviews(解説&総説)

[C] Conference Proceedings(学会抄録)

[D] Activity report(報告)

[E] Miscellaneous(その他発表文献)

[F] Presentation in Conference(学会発表)

[G] Fund Application(研究助成金)

[A] Refereed Articles

Full text of some articles is available at Rikkyo University Repository Rikkyo ROOTS.

  1. System for coincidence measurements of the ions desorbed and projectiles scattered from noble gas solid surfaces by slow multiply charged ion impacts,

  2. New ion desorption mechanism from rare gas solids by multiply charged ion impacts,

  3. Development of a UHV-compatible low-energy electron gun using the photoelectric effect

  4. Photon-stimulated desorption of Ne metastable atoms from Ar adsorbed on Ne solids

  5. Ion desorption from TiO2(110) by low energy positron impact

  6. Comparative study of ion desorption from clean and contaminated TiO2(110) surfaces by slow positron impacts.

  7. レーザープラズマ光源を用いた希ガス混合凝縮層からの光励起脱離の観測
    Photon Stimulated Desorption from Mixed Layers of Rare Gas Solids using a Laser Plasma Light Source

  8. Positron-annihilation-induced ion desorption from TiO2(110)

  9. 希ガス固体におけるイオン衝撃脱離
    Desorption from rare gas solids induced by low energy ion impact
      日本物理学会誌 67, (2012) 767-71.
      [ToC] [Full Text (PDF)] [Full Tex (Rikkyo ROOTS)]

  10. Temperature effect of metastable atom desorption from solid Ne by low-energy electron impact

  11. Temperature Effect of Ion Desorption Dynamics from Solid Ne by Low-Energy Ion Impact

  12. Surface-sensitive measurements of excitonic processes in rare gas clusters by electron energy loss spectroscopy

  13. Desorption of cluster ions from solid Ne by low energy ion impact

  14. Potential sputtering of ionic species from rare gas solids by multiply charged ion impact [IOP Select]

  15. Electronic excitation processes in rare gas clusters studied by electron energy loss spectroscopy

  16. Absolute sputtering yields from solid Ne by low energy He+ and Arq+ (q = 1 ~ 6) impact,

  17. ネオン固体表面上からイオン衝撃脱離するクラスターイオンの観測[真空進歩賞(受賞者:立花隆行)]
    Kinetic energy distribution of desorbed cluster ions from solid rare gases by ion impact.

  18. Multiple charge transfer by slow multi-charged Xe ions

  19. Exciton induced photodesorption in rare gas solids

  20. 希ガス固体表面における電子遷移誘起脱離 (in Japanese)
    (Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions at the Surface of Rare Gas Solids)

  21. Photodesorption of ionized water clusters from water physisorbed on rare gas solids

  22. Double charge transfer spectroscopy of O22+:band analyses of low-lying repulsive states

  23. Double charge transfer spectroscopy of NO2+ at vibrational resolution: application of Franck-Condon analyses to a dicationic system

  24. Absolute yields of the exciton induced desorption at the surface of a solid rare gases

  25. Absolute measurements of the total PSD and ESD yields at the surface of solid krypton

  26. Lateral Compression of a Xe Film Physisorbed on Ag(111)

  27. レーザープラズマ真空紫外光源による電子遷移誘起脱離実験 (in Japanese)

  28. 水が吸着した希ガス固体表面から電子遷移誘起脱離する水クラスターイオンの観測 (in Japanese)

  29. Desorption of excimers from the surface of solid Ne by low-energy electron or photon impact

  30. Absolute measurement of total photo desorption yield of solid Ne in vacuum ultraviolet range,

  31. High energy operation of the Tokyo-electron beam ion trap/ present status,
      H. Kuramoto, H. Shimizu, N. Nakamura, F.J. Currel, D. Kato, T. Kinugawa, Xiao M. Tong, H. Watanabe, T. Fukami, Y. Li, S. Ohtani, E.J. Sokell, T. Hirayama, K. Motohashi, S. Tsurubuchi, K. Okazaki, M. Sakurai, M.R. Tarbutt, and J. D Silver,
      Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71, (2000) 687-9.
      [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF File)]

  32. Characteristics of the beam line at the Tokyo Electron Beam Ion Trap,

  33. Xe/Ag(111)の層成長における構造変化

  34. 極微小電流低速電子線回折法による希ガス物理吸着層の成長過程の観察
    Observation by extremely-low-current low energy electron diffraction of the physisorbed rare gas layer growth,

  35. Ion photodesorption from argon multilayers,

  36. Ellipsometric and LEED study of the layer growth of xenon physisorbed on Ag(111) surface,

  37. Desorption of metastable particels induced by electronic excitation at the surface of rare gas solids with hydrogen physisorbed,

  38. The present status of the Tokyo Electron Beam Ion Trap,
      N. Nakamura, J. Asada, F.J. Currell, T. Fukami, T. Hirayama, D. Kato, K. Motohashi, E. Nojikawa, S. Ohtani, K. Okazaki, M. Sakurai, H. Shimizu, N. Tada, S. Tsurubuchi, and H. Watanabe,
      Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69, (1998) 694-6.
      [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF File)]

  39. Characteristics of the Tokyo Electron-Beam Ion Trap,
      H. Watanabe, J. Asada, F.J. Currell, T. Fukami, T. Hirayama, K.Motohashi, N. Nakamura, E. Nojikawa, S. Ohtani, K. Okazaki, M. Sakurai, H. Shimizu, N. tada and S. Tsurubuchi,
      J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 66, (1997) 3795-800.
      [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF File)]

  40. Absolute desorption yield of metastable atoms from the surface of solid rare gases induced by exciton creation,

  41. Molecular reactions in condensed carbon monoxide studied by ion photodesorption,

  42. Extraction of trapped ions from the Tokyo EBIS/T,

  43. Desorption of metastable species induced by electronic excitation at the surface of solid krypton with physisorbed hydrogen,

  44. An Overview of the Tokyo Electron Beam Ion Trap,

  45. X-Ray spectroscopy at the Tokyo electron beam ion trap,

  46. Detector systems for use with an Electron Beam Ion Trap,

  47. Long lifetime emission of the excited species ejected from the surface of solid Ne,

  48. Control Systems of the Tokyo electron beam ion trap,

  49. Exitonic energy transfer process in Ne-Kr alloy studied by photon stimulated desorption of metastable atoms,

  50. Electronic Energy Transfer in Rare-Gas Solid Alloys Studied by Photon Stimulated Desorption,

  51. Angular Distribution of Ne Metastable Desorption Induced by Exciton Formation at the Surface of Solid Ne: Measurement and Computer Simulation,

  52. Photofragmentation of Molecular Oxygen on Si(111)7x7,

  53. Simultaneous Mass and Kinetic Energy Analysis of Ar+ and Ar2+ Ions Photodesorbed from Condensed Argon.,

  54. Angular and Kinetic Energy Distributions of the Desorption of Ne Metastable Induced by Excitons at the Surface of Solid Ne.,

  55. Observation of Two Long-Lived Molecular States of O2 on Si(111)7x7 at Room Temperature,

  56. Site Specific and State Selective Photofragmentation of Molecular Oxygen on Si(111) 7x7.,

  57. Electron Stimulated Desorption from the Surface of Solid Ne: Kinetic Energy and Angular Distribution of Desorbed Metastable Atoms,

  58. Photo-Stimulated Desorption of Ne Metastables from Thin Ne Layers on Solid Ar, Kr, and Xe,

  59. Electron-Stimulated Desorption of Kr2+ from the Surface of Solid Kr

  60. Supersonic Cluster Beam Source using a Differential Cryo Pumping System,

  61. Energy Partition in the Dissociation Reaction Ar3+ -> Ar2+ + Ar,

  62. Electron Stimulated Desorption of Kr2+ Ions from the Surface of Solid Kr,

  63. Trapping and Probing of Multiply Charged Xe Ions Produced by Synchrotron Radiation,

  64. Storage and Life Time Measurements of Multiply Charged Ions Produced by Synchrotron Radiation,

  65. Measurements of Absolute Cross Sections for Electron-Impact Ionization of Doubly Charged Rare Gas Ions: Ne2+, Ar2+, Kr2+, and Xe2+,

  66. Time-of-Flight Measurement of Desorbed Particles from Solid Rare Gases using Synchrotron Radiation,

  67. Photoionization of (O2)2, (O2)3, and O2・Ar in the EUV Region - State Selective Ionization of O2 in an Interatomic Frame of Van der Waals Molecules,

  68. 電子衝撃によるイオンの電離過程に現われる巨大共鳴 (in Japanese)

  69. Electron Impact Ionization of F+, Ne+, Cl+ and Ar+ Ions,

  70. Electron Impact Ionization of C+, N+ and P+ Ions

  71. Electron Impact Ionization of O+, S+, and S2+ Ions

  72. Electron-Impact Double Ionization of Ba+,

  73. Measurements of Cross Sections for Single and Double Ionization of Na+ and K+ by Electron Impact,

[B] Reviews

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  1. 貴ガスの美しさ・面白さ

  2. 希ガス固体におけるイオン衝撃脱離
    (Desorption from rare gas solids induced by low energy ion impact)
      日本物理学会誌 67, (2012) 767-71.
      [Full Text (PDF)] [Full Text (Rikkyo ROOTS)]

  3. Exciton induced photodesorption in rare gas solids
      T. Hirayama and I. Arakawa
      J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 18, (2006) S1563-1580.
      [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)]

  4. 希ガス固体表面における電子遷移誘起脱離 (in Japanese)
    (Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions at the Surface of Rare Gas Solids)
      真空 49, (2006) 593-599.
      [Abstract] [Full Text (PDF)]

  5. 金属単結晶表面上の物理吸着層研究のための試料冷却技術 (in Japanese)
    (Cryostat for the observation of physisorbed layers on a metal single crystal)
      表面科学(実験ノウハウ)20, 665 (1999).
      [Abstract] [Full Text]

  6. 希ガス固体表面における電子遷移誘起脱離 (in Japanese)
    (Desorption induced by electronic transitions on the surface of solid rare gases)
      桜井誠, 平山孝人, 荒川一郎,
      放射光学会誌 5, (1992) 329-45.
      [ToC] [PDF]

  7. 電子衝撃によるイオンの電離過程に現われる巨大共鳴 (in Japanese)
      平山孝人, 鈴木洋,
      日本物理学会誌 44, (1989) 113-5.
      [Abstract] [PDF]

[C] Conference Proceedings

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  1. Ellipsometric study of rare gas films physisorbed on a surface of a metal single crystal,
      S. Igarashi, Y. Abe, T. Hirayama, and I. Arakawa
      in Polarization analysis and applications to device technology, SPIE Proceedings Series, Vol. 2873, (1996) p130-3.
      [Abstract] [Full Text]

  2. Photodesorption from CO Ices,
      L. Hellner, G. Dujardin, T. Hirayama, L. Philippe, M. J.Ramage, G. Comtet, and M. Rose,
      in Physical Chemistry of Molecules and Grains in Space, AIP conference proceedings, ed. I. Nenner, (1994) p.773-9.

  3. State Selective Ionization of O2 in a Framework of Van der Waals Molecules,
      M. Ukai, K. Kameta, K. Shinsaka, Y. Hatano, T. Hirayama, S. Nagaoka, and K. Kimura,
      in Synchrotron Radiation and Dynamic Phenomena, ed. A. Beswick, (American Institute of Physics, New York, 1993) p.179-89.

  4. Giant Resonances in Double Ionization of Atomic Ions,
      H. Suzuki, T. Hirayama, and T. Takayanagi,
      in Electronic and Atomic Collisions, eds. A.Dalgarno, et al., (American Institute of Physics, New York, 1990) p.82-9.

  5. Measurements of Ionization Cross Sections of Atomic Ions,
      H. Suzuki, K. Wakiya, T. Hirayama, and K. Oda,
      in Electron-Molecule Collisions and Photo-Ionization Processes, eds. V. McKoy, et al., (Verlag Chemie International Inc., 1983) p.57-9.

[D] Activity report

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  1. Desorption of ions and atoms from solid Ne surface by low energy multiply-charged ion impact.
      T. Hirayama, T. Hannuki, W. Yasaku, N. Sano, K. Konuma, K. Tomatsu, O. Furuhashi, and T. Koizumi
      Progress Report, Atomic Collision Research in Japan 29, (2003) 15-6.

  2. Double charge transfer spectroscopy of NO2+
      O.Furuhashi, T.Kinugawa, T.Hirayama, T.Koizumi, C. Yamada, and S. Ohtani
      Progress Report, Atomic Collision Research in Japan 29, (2003) 11-2.

  3. Evaluation of higher order light of the PGM at BL5B.
    [PDF File]
      Makoto Sakurai, Takashi Adachi, Takato Hirayama, and Ichiro Arakawa
      UVSOR Activity Report 2001, UVSOR-29, (2002), pp58-9.

  4. Measurements of total yields of exciton-induced desorption from argon films condensed on solid neon.
    [PDF File]
      Takashi Adachi, Takato Hirayama, Ichiro Arakawa and Makoto Sakurai,
      UVSOR Activity Report 2001, UVSOR-29, (2002), pp214-5.

  5. Measurements of Total Photo-Desorption Yields from Solid Kryptonby Exciton Creation
    [PDF File]
      Takashi Adachi, Satoshi Ishii, Takato Hirayama, Ichiro Arakawa and Makoto Sakurai,
      UVSOR Activity Report 2000, UVSOR-28, (2001), 208-9.

  6. Absolute yields of the total desorption from the surface of solid argon by low energy electron impact,
      T. Adachi, T. Hirayama, and I. Arakawa,
      Progress Report, Atomic Collision Research in Japan 26, (2000) 7-9.

  7. Absolute Measurements of the Total Yields of Photo-Desorption at the Surface of Solid Argon by Excitonic Excitations,
      T. Adachi, S. Ishii, T. Hirayama, I. Arakawa, and M. Sakurai
      UVSOR Activity Report 1999, UVSOR-27, (2000) 178.

  8. Absolute measurements of the total yield of electron stimulated desorption of neon ,
      T. Adachi, T. Hirayama, I. Arakawa,
      Progress Report, Atomic Collision Research in Japan 25, (1999) 11.

  9. Recent activities at the Tokyo electron beam ion trap,
      N. Nakamura, F.J. Currell, T. Fukami, T. Hirayama, S. Ito, D. Kato, T. Kinugawa, H.Kuramoto, Y. Li, N. Miura, K. Motohashi, S. Ohtani, K. Okazaki, M. Sakurai, H. Shimizu, E.J. Sokell, X.M. Tong, S. Tsurubuchi, H. Watanabe, S. Watarai and C. Yamada,
      Progress Report, Atomic Collision Research in Japan 25, (1998) 104.

  10. Absolute yield of exciton induced desorption from the surface of solid Ne,
      T. Hirayama, T. Adachi, I. Arakawa, K. Mitsuke, and M. Sakurai,
      UVSOR Activity Report, Institute for Molecular Science 26, (1998) 147.

  11. Some results from the Tokyo-EBIT in 1997-98,
      S. Ohtani, J. Asada, F.J. Currell, A.Y. Faenov, T. Fukami, T. Hirayama, D. Kato, T. Kinugawa, H.Kuramoto, K. Motohashi, N. Nakamura, E. Nojikawa, K. Okazaki, T.A. Pikuz, M. Sakurai, H. Shimizu, E.J. Sokell, S. Tsurubuchi, C. Yamada and H. Watanabe,
      Progress Report, Atomic Collision Research in Japan 24, (1998) 138.

  12. Photon stimulated desorption of excited dimer from the surface of solid Ne by exciton creation,
      T. Hirayama, T. Adachi, A. Hayama, I. Arakawa, K. Mitsuke, and M. Sakurai,
      UVSOR Activity Report, Institute for Molecular Science 25, (1997) 218.

  13. Exciton initiated desorption of excited dimer from the surface of solid Ne by photon excitation ,
      T. Hirayama, T. Adachi, A. Hayama, I. Arakawa, K. Mitsuke, and M. Sakurai,
      Progress Report, Atomic Collision Research in Japan 23, (1997) 86.

  14. Absolute desorption yield of metastable atoms from the surface of solid rare gases induced by exciton creation,
      T. Hirayama, A. Hayama, T. Koike, T. Kuninobu, I. Arakawa, K. Mitsuke, M. Sakurai, and E.V. Savchenko,
      UVSOR Activity Report, Institute for Molecular Science 24, (1996) 148.

  15. Exciton induced desorption of Ne metastable atoms from the surface of pure Ne solid,
      T. Hirayama, M. Abo, T. Kuninobu, T. Koike, I. Arakawa, K. Mitsuke, and M. Sakurai,
      UVSOR Activity Report, Institute for Molecular Science 23, (1995) 164.

  16. Energy and angular distributions of metastable atoms desorbed from rare gas solids by SR excitation,
      T. Nagai, D.E. Weibel, T. Hirayama, I. Arakawa, and M. Sakurai,
      Progress Report, Atomic Collision Research in Japan 20, (1994) 101.

  17. Angular distribution of Ne metastable desorption induced by exciton formation at the surface of solid Ne.,
      T. Hirayama, T. Nagai, M. Abo, I. Arakawa, M. Sakurai, and K. Mitsuke,
      UVSOR Activity Report, Institute for Molecular Science 22, (1994) 132.

  18. Desorption of metastable Ne from the surface of rare gas solid by photon impact,
      T. Hirayama, A. Hoshino, D.E. Weibel, I. Arakawa, and M. Sakurai,
      UVSOR Activity Report, Institute for Molecular Science 20, (1992) 114.

[E] Miscellaneous

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  1. 鈴木洋先生を偲ぶ 〜師であり父であり〜
      原子衝突学会学会誌「しょうとつ」 17, 49 (2020)

  2. 大谷さんに教えてもらったパリ

  3. 脇谷一義先生を偲んで
      原子衝突学会,原子衝突サーキュラー,No. 198 (2001.9.15号)

  4. 第17回原子衝突国際会議報告
      市川行和, 平山孝人,
      日本物理学会誌 47, (1992) 60-2. (in Japanese)
      [Abstract] [PDF]

  5. Single and Double Ionization Cross Sections for Alkali and Alkaline Earth Ions by Electron Impact.
      T. Hirayama
      PhD Thesis, Sophia University, 1987.