Research Projects at Murata-Lab.
2013/1/22の卒業研究説明会/大学院説明会の後、村田研究室の個別説明会を開催します。志望する学生は参加する様にして下さい。日時:大学院説明会終了後、c608号室にて 研究室の先輩の卒研生、大学院生も参加しますので気軽に話を聞いてみて下さい。
MTV experiment : Test of Time Reversal Symmetry
The large matter - antimatter asymmetry in our universe requires a large CP(T) violating particle interactions beyond the prediction by the Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing mechanism. The CKM prediction of the T-violation effect on nuclear beta decay is negligible comparing to the experimental sensitivity, therefore, observation of a sizable T-Violation effect on nuclear beta decay implies a discovery of new physics beyond the standard model. This MTV project is searching the T-Violating correlation in polarized 8Li nuclei with the highest precision, which produced at TRIUMF National Laboratory in Vancouver, Canada.
Newton experiment : Search for Large Extra Dimension
The hierarchy problem, why gravity is extremely weak comparing to other three gauge interactions, can be naturally resolved by supposing additional large spacial dimensional world outside of our four dimensional space-time. Existence of the extra dimension can be observed as a violation of Newton's gravitational law at the size of the extra dimension. This Newton project is aiming to search a large extra dimension at sub-millimeter range by testing the inverse square law, using a torsion balance bar with a video displacement sensor using digital image analysis technique.
MTV-G experiment : Search of Strong Gravitational Field in Nuclear Scale
Gravitational phenomena has been completely ignored in particle and nuclear physics since the Newtonian gravity is about 10^(-38) weaker than other three gauge interactions. The MTV-G project is started in 2011, to explore a strong gravitational field around nuclei utilizing an experimental technique developed to the MTV experiment searching time reversal symmetry violation in nuclear beta decay at TRIUMF. We utilize a spin precessioning phenomena predicted by the general relativity theory known as Geodetic precession, which occured for a spinning object traveling in a warped space-time. A large electron spinprecession due to the possible strong gravitational field, which predicted by large extra dimension model, is investigated in electron-nuclear scattering experiment performed at TRIUMF.
Experimental Fundamental Physics without using High Energy Accerelators
Our research interest is to study fundamental physics, such as particle interactions, space-time symmetries, by means of precision weak interaction measurements and short range gravitational force. Weak interaction studies provides us a great oppotunity to explore physics beyond the standard model. We also try to search large extra dimensions by testing Newton's inverse square law at sub-millimeter scale.