マルチスピーシーズ人類学研究会第10回研究会 2017.10.30.立教大学池袋キャンパス

10th meeting of Multispecies Anthropology in Japan
in collaboration with Associate Professor Kentaro Kanazawa's Lab, Shinshu University

October 30th 2017
Place Rikkyo University
Meeting Room A&B, 2nd Floor, Bldg 12
Please contact katsumiokuno@rikkyo.ac.jp if you wish to participate in this half-closed meeting.
This research meeting is held in English

Penan Resource Tenure and Mode of Life 

Jayl Langub

Institute of Borneo Studies

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
For generations the Penan have made a living and maintain a long-term relationship with the land and forest.  In their interactions with the surrounding area, the Penan have left their ‘footprints’ (uban) through a series of former campsites (la’a in Eastern Penan; laa’ lamin in Western Penan) over the landscape, as they moved from one resource-area to another within a specific river system or area.  As they harvest resources they establish ‘tenure’ (olong) over them to ensure systematic management.  The practice of leaving behind their ‘footprints’ and the idea of a resource tenure system are ways they establish long-term relationship with, and rights to the land and its resources.  The Penan have a word tawai that expresses in a particular way their sentiment to the landscape.  It binds the group and individuals to the landscape.  Penan feeling for the landscape, expressed through tawai, is told and retold through tesok (oral narratives) to succeeding generations.  It is also expressed and passed down the generations through sinui (Western Penan) or jajan (Eastern Penan) sung for entertainment.

