Power of Diversity



■Toronto Japanese Language Class Drama Workshop 2018

 During this workshop, participants created original scenarios according to a given theme. They created dialogs while considering the "who" "what" and "where" of the situation, based on ideas prompted by short written passages and photos. The participants choose which parts to play and then read the dialogues as an ensemble, thinking about the reality of the scenario as they do so. Holding discussions with their peers while seeking ways to improve the dialogs refines their language and enhances their imagination. This activity helps them realize in yet another way that language can be a rich medium of communication. The story created by the participants revealed creativity that was not seen in the children’s ordinary classes, and that was very exciting.

Sponsored by: Basic Research Program (B) “Study of learning activities mediated by performance arts of children with diverse languages and cultures”
Co-sponsored by: Toronto Japanese Language Class (Toronto Kokugo Kyoshitu)

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