■Toronto Japanese Language Class:
"‘Kamishibai (paper drama performance) about the Future" Creative Workshop 2019
"What on earth will you be doing on this day, 20 years into the future? Imagine what will be happening to you in 20 years and make it into ‘Kamishibai’. Where are you and what are you doing? What will you look like? What kind of life will you be living? With whom you will be living? Give us a profile of who you will be? And so forth … Try to create as clear an image of you as you can."

We asked young people who generally have English as their first language to reflect on themselves using Japanese and to think about and describe their future. Have them relate their stories by turning what they have imagined into pictures. Will the stories each of these kids made be realized in the future? Each one was contemplating much more carefully than we expected; they made interesting ‘Kamishibai’.
- Date and time:
November 2, 2019 (Sat.) 9:00-12:00
- Place:
Toronto Kokugo Kyoshitu
80 Bowmore Rd, Toronto, ON M4L 3J2, Canada
- Facilitator:
Hiroaki Ishiguro (Department of Literature, Rikkyo University)
- In cooperation with:
Toronto Japanese Language Class (Toronto Kokugo Kyoshitu)
Grant: Basic Research Program (B) “Research on learning activities mediated by the performance arts designed for children having diverse languages and cultures”
This page has been translated by translation specialists. The nuances may differ from the original Japanese.