著 書

  1. 新田徹,伊庭斉志(共訳), Wolfgang Banzhaf, Peter Nordin, Robert E.. Keller and Frank D. Francone(共著): 遺伝的プログラミング,科学技術出版 (2001).

  2. 新田徹: "第1部 第2章 心機能場の実現に向けて - 心に迫る情報科学",心とは何か - 心理学と諸科学との対話,足立他編,北大路書房,pp.15-26,ISBN:4-7628-2204-3 (2001).

  3. T. Nitta: "A Computational Model of Personality", In No Matter, Never Mind, eds. K. Yasue et al., John Benjamins Publishing Co., The Netherlands, pp.315-324 (2002).

  4. H.Inayoshi, T.Tanaka, K.Nishida and T.Nitta: "Neuronoid as the Coincidence Detector: A New Model of Neuron with 'Ongoingness' Property", In No Matter, Never Mind, eds. K. Yasue et al., John Benjamins Publishing Co., The Netherlands, pp.207-216 (2002).

  5. T. Nitta: "Orthogonal Decision Boundaries and Generalization of Complex-Valued Neural Netwroks", In Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Theories and Applications, A. Hirose(ed), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. pp.7-28 (2003).

  6. T. Nitta: "Complex-Valued Neural Netwroks'', In Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, eds. Juan R. Rabunal, Julian Dorado & Alejandro Pazos, Pennsylvania, IGI Global, USA, pp.361-366 (2008).

  7. T. Nitta: "Complex-Valued Neural Network and Complex-Valued Back-Propagation Learning Algorithm'', In Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, eds. Peter W. Hawkes, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vol.152, pp.153-221 (2008).

  8. T. Nitta (Ed.): Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Utilizing High-Dimensional Parameters, Information Science Reference, Pennsylvania, USA, p.583, ISBN: 978-1-60566-214-5 (February 2009).   アマゾン

  9. T. Nitta: "Ability of the 1-n-1 Complex-Valued Neural Network to Learn Transformations'', In Computational Modeling and Simulation of Intellect: Current State and Future Perspectives, ed. Boris Igelnik, Pennsylvania, Information Science Reference, USA, pp.566-596 (2011).  アマゾン

  10. T. Nitta: "Widely Linear Estimation with Geometric Algebra'', In Efficiency and Scalability Methods for Computational Intellect, eds. Boris Igelnik and Jacek M. Zurada, Pennsylvania, Information Science Reference, USA, pp.293-308 (2013). アマゾン

  11. T. Nitta: "N-Dimensional Vector Neuron and Its Application to the N-Bit Parity Problem", In Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Adcances and Applications in The IEEE Press Series on Computational Intelligence, ed. Akira Hirose, Wiley-IEEE Press, pp.59-74 (2013). アマゾン


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