   立教大学理学部化学科    宮部研究室

1  Goto, K.; Taguchi, S.; Miyabe, K.; Haruyama, K

Effect of Cationic Surfactant on the Formation of Ferron Complexes

Talanta 1982, 29, 569 - 575.

2  後藤克己、田口茂、宮部寛志、春山健一
個々のイオン及び溶媒へのイオン対抽出定数の分割 -フェロン-陽イオン界面活性剤系-

分析化学 1983, 32, 678 - 682.

3  宮部寛志、川添鉄也、山口正人、北澤厚治

化学工学論文集 1989, 15, 475 - 480.

4  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.
Determination and Characterization of Reversed-Phase Bonded Ligands by Chemical Cleavage with Aqueous Hydrofluoric Acid

Talanta 1989, 36, 897 - 902.

5  Miyabe, K.; Suzuki, M.
Estimation of an Adsorption Isotherm by Analyzing a Desorption Curve

J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 1991, 24, 772 - 777.

6  Miyabe, K.; Suzuki, M.
Chromatography of Liquid-Phase Adsorption on Octadecylsilyl-Silica Gel

AIChE J. 1992, 38, 901 - 910.

7  Miyabe, K.; Suzuki, M.
Adsorption Characteristics of Octadecylsilyl-Silica Gel in Gaseous Systems

AIChE J. 1993, 39, 1791 - 1798.

8  Miyabe, K.; Suzuki, M.
Estimation of Adsorption Parameters of a Binary System by Applying the Lewis Rule

J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 1994, 27, 257 - 259.

9  Miyabe, K.; Suzuki, M.
Mass-Transfer Phenomena on the Surface of Adsorbents in Reversed-Phase Chromatography

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1994, 33, 1792 - 1802.

10  Miyabe, K.; Suzuki, M.
Adsorption Characteristics of Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography with Various Alkyl Bonded Phases

J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 1994, 27, 785 - 789.

11  Miyabe, K.; Suzuki, M.
Solvent Effect on Adsorption Phenomena in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

AIChE J. 1995, 41, 536 - 547.

12  Miyabe, K.; Suzuki, M.
Chromatographic Study on Liquid-Phase Adsorption on Octadecylsilyl-Silica Gel

AIChE J. 1995, 41, 548 - 558.

13  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.
Numerical Analysis of Height Equivalent to a Theoretical Plate in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

CHROMATOGRAPHY 1997, 18, 161 - 168.

14  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.
Effect of Acetonitrile/Water Mobile-Phase Composition on Adsorption Characteristics of Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

Anal. Chem. 1997, 69, 2567 - 2574.

15  宮部寛志、蓮蔵優治、竹内茂彌

分析化学 1997, 46, 579 - 586.

16  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.
Analysis of Surface Diffusion Phenomena in Liquid Phase Adsorption

J. Phys. Chem. B 1997, 101, 7773 - 7779.

17  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.
Analysis of Peak Spreading Phenomena in Liquid Chromatography

Anal. Sci. 1997, 13, 713 - 720.

18  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.
Surface Diffusion Phenomena in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography with Methanol/Water and Acetonitrile/Water Mixtures

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1997, 36, 4335 - 4341.

19  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.
Model for Surface Diffusion in Liquid-Phase Adsorption

AIChE J. 1997, 43, 2997 - 3006.

20  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.
Adsorption Characteristics in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Methanol/Water and Acetonitrile/Water Mobile Phases

J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 1997, 30, 1047 - 1053.

21  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.
Surface Diffusion of Alkylbenzenes on Octadecylsilyl-Silica Gel

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1998, 37, 1154 - 1158.

22  Miyabe, K.; Nomura, N.; Morishita, F.; Kurata, S.; Asamura, H.; Imada, Y.
Retention Behavior of p-Alkylphenols in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Ethanol/Water Mixtures

Anal. Sci. 1998, 14, 355 - 359.

23  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.
Effect of the Type of Organic Modifiers on Mass Transfer in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

Anal. Sci. 1998, 14, 361 - 368.

24  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.; Tezuka, Y.
Estimation of Surface Diffusion Coefficient in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Methanol/Water Mobile Phases

J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 1998, 31, 347 - 354.

25  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.; Tezuka, Y.
Estimation of the Surface-Diffusion Coefficient in Gas-Phase Adsorption Using Octadecylsilyl-Silica Gel

Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1998, 71, 1755 - 1761.

26  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.
Estimation of Surface Diffusion Coefficient in Liquid Phase Adsorption

Can. J. Chem. Eng. 1998, 76, 887 - 892.

27  Miyabe, K.; Takeuchi, S.; Tezuka, Y.
Adsorption Characteristics in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Ethanol/Water Mixed Solvent

Adsorption 1999, 5, 15 - 24.

28  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Estimation of the Column Radial Heterogeneity from an Analysis of the Characteristics of Tailing Peaks in Linear Chromatography

J. Chromatogr. A 1999, 830, 29 - 39.

29  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Peak Tailing and Column Radial Heterogeneity in Linear Chromatography

J. Chromatogr. A 1999, 830, 263 - 274.

30  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Analysis of Surface Diffusion Phenomena in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

Anal. Chem. 1999, 71, 889 - 896.

31  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Kinetic Study of the Mass Transfer of S-Tr`ger's Base in the System Cellulose Triacetate and Ethanol

J. Chromatogr. A 1999, 849, 445 - 465.

32  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Kinetic Study of the Concentration Dependence of the Mass Transfer Rate Coefficient in Anion-Exchange Chromatography of Bovine Serum Albumin

Biotechnol. Prog. 1999, 15, 740 - 752.

33  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Influence of Column Radial Heterogeneity on Peak Fronting in Linear Chromatography

J. Chromatogr. A 1999, 857, 69 - 87.

34  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Thermodynamic Characteristics of Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

J. Phys. Chem. B 1999, 103, 11086 - 11097.

35  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Kinetic Study of the Mass Transfer of Bovine Serum Albumin in Anion-Exchange Chromatography

J. Chromatogr. A 2000, 866, 147 - 171.

36  Miyabe, K.; Khattabi, S.; Cherrak, D. E.; Guiochon, G.
Study on the Accuracy of the Elution by Characteristic Point Method for the Determination of Single Component Isotherms

J. Chromatogr. A 2000, 872, 1 - 21.

37  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Restricted Diffusion Model for Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

Anal. Chem. 2000, 72, 1475 - 1489.

38  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Kinetic Study of the Concentration Dependence of the Mass Transfer Rate Coefficient in Enantiomeric Separation on a Polymeric Imprinted Stationary Phase

Anal. Sci. 2000, 16, 719 - 730.

39  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
A Study of Mass Transfer Kinetics in an Enantiomeric Separation System Using a Polymeric Imprinted Stationary Phase

Biotechnol. Prog. 2000, 16, 617 - 629.

40  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Determination of the Lumped Mass Transfer Rate Coefficient by Frontal Analysis

J. Chromatogr. A 2000, 890, 211 - 223.

41  Miyabe, K.; Taguchi, S.; Kasahara, I.; Goto, K.
Interpretation by the Solvophobic Theory on the Linear Additive Representation of the Logarithm of Ion-Pair Extraction Constant with Individual Contributions of Cation, Anion, and Organic Solvent

J. Phys. Chem. B 2000, 104, 8481 - 8490.

42  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Influence of the Column Radial Heterogeneity on the Determination of Single-Component Isotherms by the Elution by Characteristic Point Method

J. Chromatogr. A 2000, 891, 217 - 233.

43  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
A Kinetic Study of Mass Transfer in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography on a C18-Silica Gel

Anal. Chem. 2000, 72, 5162 - 5171.

44  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Influence of the Modification Conditions of Alkyl Bonded Ligands on the Characteristics of Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

J. Chromatogr. A 2000, 903, 1 - 12.

45  水野 渡、前田芳子、小島佳奈子、高道智美、宮部寛志、竹内茂彌


高分子論文集 2001, 58, 59 - 65.

46  Miyabe, K.; Sotoura, S.; Guiochon, G.
Retention and Mass Transfer Characteristics in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using a Tetrahydrofuran-Water Solution as the Mobile Phase

J. Chromatogr. A 2001, 919, 231 - 244.

47  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Analysis of the Surface Diffusion of Alkylbenzenes and p-Alkylphenols in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using the Surface-Restricted Molecular Diffusion Model

Anal. Chem. 2001, 73, 3096 - 3106.

48  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Correlation between Surface Diffusion and Molecular Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

J. Phys. Chem. B 2001, 105, 9202 - 9209.

49  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Chromatographic Behavior of Alkyl Ligands Bonded Silica Gels

Anal. Sci. 2001, 17 Supplement, i209 - i212.

50  Miyabe, K.
Characteristics and Mechanism of Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Various Alkyl Ligand Bonded Silica Gels
Anal. Chem. 2002, 74, 2126 - 2132.

51  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
New Model of Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography
J. Chromatogr. A 2002, 961, 23 - 33.

52  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
The Moment Equations of Chromatography for Monolithic Stationary Phases

J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 8898 - 8909.

53  Miyabe, K.; Okada, A.
Retention Equilibrium and Mass Transfer Characteristics in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Methanol-Water Mixtures
Analyst 2002, 127, 1420 - 1426.

54  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Extrathermodynamic Relationships in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

Anal. Chem. 2002, 74, 5754 - 5765.

55  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Thermodynamic Interpretation of Retention Equilibrium in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Based on Enthalpy - Entropy Compensation

Anal. Chem. 2002, 74, 5982 - 5992.

56  Miyabe, K.; Taniguchi, N.; Imura, A.; Tezuka, Y.
Kinetic Study of the Hydrodechlorination of Trichloroethene in Water Using a Platinum Catalyst and Hydrazine

Water Environment Research 2003, 75, 472 - 477.

57  Miyabe, K.; Sakai, Y.; Sarashina, M.; Yokokawa, C.
Moment Analysis of Retention Equilibrium, Mass Transfer Kinetics, and Thermodynamic Properties in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Phenyl Bonded Silica Gel

Analyst 2003, 128, 1425 - 1433.

58  Miyabe, K.; Cavazzini, A.; Gritti, F.; Kele, M.; Guiochon, G.
Moment Analysis of Mass-Transfer Kinetics in C18-Silica Monolithic Columns

Anal. Chem. 2003, 75, 6975 - 6986.

59  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Comparison of the Characteristics of Adsorption Equilibrium and Surface Diffusion in Liquid-Solid and Gas-Solid Adsorption on C18-Silica Gels

J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 2987 - 2997.

60  Tsuda, T.; Hisanaga, M.; Inagaki, T.; Kitagawa, S.; Miyabe, K.
Preparation of a New Type of Fiber Adsorbent Attached with Silica Microparticles

Anal. Sci. 2004, 20, 1061 - 1064.

61  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Extrathermodynamic Study of Surface Diffusion in Reversed‑Phase Liquid Chromatography with Silica Gels Bonded with Alkyl Ligands of Different Chain Lengths

J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 12038 - 12048.

62  Nakano, Y.; Kitagawa, S.; Miyabe, K.; Tsuda, T.
Effect of the Silanization Conditions on Chromatographic Behavior of an Open-tubular Capillary Column Coated with a Modified Silica-gel Thin Layer

Anal. Sci. 2005, 21, 1167 - 1170.

63  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Extrathermodynamic Interpretation of Retention Equilibria in Reversed‑Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Octadecylsilyl‑Silica Gels Bonded to C1 and C18 Ligands of Different Densities

J. Chromatogr. A 2005, 1099, 136 - 148.

64  Kobayashi, H.; Tokuda, D.; Ichimaru, J.; Ikegami, T.; Miyabe, K.; Tanaka, N.
Faster Axial Band Dispersion in a Monolithic Silica Column than in a Particle-Packed Column

J. Chromatogr. A 2006, 1109, 2 - 9.

65  Miyabe, K.; Kobayashi, H.; Tokuda, D.; Tanaka, N.
A Kinetic Parameter Concerning Mass Transfer in Silica Monolithic and Particulate Stationary Phases Measured by the Peak‑Parking and Slow‑Elution Methods

J. Sep. Sci. 2006, 29, 2452 - 2462.

66  Miyabe, K.; Matsumoto, Y.; Guiochon, G.
Peak Parking ‑ Moment Analysis.  A Strategy for the Study of the Mass-Transfer Kinetics in the Stationary Phase

Anal. Chem. 2007, 79, 1970 - 1982.

67  Miyabe, K.
Surface Diffusion in Reversed‑Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Silica Gels Bonded with C1 and C18 Ligands of Different Densities

Talanta 2007, 71, 1915 - 1925.

68  Miyabe, K.
New Moment Equations for Chromatography Using Various Stationary Phases of Different Structural Characteristics

Anal. Chem. 2007, 79, 7457 - 7472.

69  Miyabe, K.
Surface Diffusion in Reversed‑Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Silica Gel Stationary Phases of Different C1 and C18 Ligand Densities

J. Chromatogr. A 2007, 1167, 161 - 170.

70  Miyabe, K.
Evaluation of Chromatographic Performance of Various Packing Materials Having Different Structural Characteristics as Stationary Phase for Fast High Performance Liquid Chromatography by New Moment Equations

J. Chromatogr. A 2008, 1183, 49 - 64.

71  Miyabe, K.
Influence of Mobile Phase Composition on Surface Diffusion in Reversed‑Phase Liquid Chromatography

J. Chromatogr. A 2008, 1194, 184 - 191.

72  Miyabe, K.; Ando, M.; Ando, N.; Guiochon, G.
External Mass Transfer in High Performance Liquid Chromatography Systems

J. Chromatogr. A 2008, 1210, 60 - 67.

73  Miyabe, K.; Matsumoto, Y.; Ando, N.
Peak Parking ‑ Moment Analysis Method for the Measurement of Surface Diffusion Coefficient

Anal. Sci. 2009, 25, 211 - 218.

74  Miyabe, K.
Thermodynamic Interpretation of Retention Equilibrium in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

Anal. Sci. 2009, 25, 219 - 227.

75  Miyabe, K.; Ando, N.; Guiochon, G.
Peak Parking Method for Measurement of Molecular Diffusivity in Liquid Phase Systems

J. Chromatogr. A 2009, 1216, 4377 - 4382.

76  Miyabe, K.

Surface Diffusion in C18‑Silica Monolithic Stationary Phase

J. Chromatogr. Sci. 2009, 47, 452 - 458.

77  Miyabe, K.; Matsumoto, Y.; Niwa, Y.; Ando, N.; Guiochon, G.
An Estimation of the Column Efficiency Made by Analyzing Tailing Peak Profiles

J. Chromatogr. A 2009, 1216, 8319 - 8330.

78  Miyabe, K.; Kawaguchi, Y.; Guiochon, G.
Kinetic Study on External Mass Transfer in High Performance Liquid Chromatography System

J. Chromatogr. A 2010, 1217, 3053 - 3062.

79  Miyabe, K.; Nagai, J.-i.; Guiochon, G.
Peak Parking - Moment Analysis: A Strategy for the Measurement of Molecular Diffusivity in Liquid Phase

Chem. Eng. Sci. 2010, 65, 3859 - 3864.

80  Miyabe, K.; Ando, N.; Nakamura, T.; Guiochon, G.
External Mass Transfer in Silica Monolithic Stationary Phases

Chem. Eng. Sci. 2010, 65, 5950 - 5960.

81  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Numerical Method for the Estimation of Column Radial Heterogeneity and of the Actual Column Efficiency from Tailing Peak Profiles
Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 182 - 192.

82  Miyazaki, S.; Takahashi, M.; Ohira, M.; Terashima, H.; Morisato, K.; Nakanishi, K.; Ikegami, T.; Miyabe, K.; Tanaka, N
Monolithic Silica Rod Columns for High‑Efficiency Reversed‑Phase Liquid Chromatography
J. Chromatogr. A 2011, 1218, 1988 - 1994.

83  Miyabe, K.; Matsushima, A.
Extrathermodynamic Study of Retention Equilibrium in RP-LC Using a C18‑Silica Monolithic Stationary Phase
Chromatographia 2011, 74, 179 - 187.

84  Miyabe, K.; Isogai, R.
Estimation of Molecular Diffusivity in Liquid Phase Systems by the Wilke-Chang Equation
J. Chromatogr. A 2011, 1218, 6639 - 6645.

85  Miyabe, K.
Estimation of Molecular Diffusivity in Aqueous Solution of Acetonitrile by the Wilke-Chang Equation
J. Sep. Sci. 2011, 34, 2674 - 2679.

86  Miyabe, K.
Moment Equations for Chromatography Using Superficially Porous Spherical Particles
Anal. Sci. 2011, 27, 1007 - 1017.

87  Miyabe, K.; Noiri, K.; Kobayashi, K.
Moment Analysis of Chromatographic Behavior of Superficially Porous Particles
Anal. Sci. 2011, 27, 1097 - 1105.


1  宮部寛志

分析化学 1998, 47, 769 - 782.

2  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Fundamental Interpretation of the Peak Profiles in Linear Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

Advances in Chromatogr. 2000, 40, 1 - 113.

3  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Measurement of the Parameters of the Mass Transfer Kinetics in High Performance Liquid Chromatography

J. Sep. Sci. 2003, 26, 155 - 173.

4  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Characterization of Monolithic Columns for HPLC

J. Sep. Sci. 2004, 27, 853 - 873.

5  Miyabe, K.
Moment Analysis of Chromatographic Behavior in Reversed‑Phase Liquid Chromatography

J. Sep. Sci. 2009, 32, 757 - 770.

6  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

J. Chromatogr. A 2010, 1217, 1713 - 1734.

7  Miyabe, K.
Development of New Strategy for Analysis of Chromatographic Behavior on the Basis of Moment Theory

CHROMATOGRAPHY 2010, 31, 1 - 15.


1  宮部寛志、鈴木基之

生産研究 1993, 45, 275 - 282.

2  宮部寛志、鈴木基之

生産研究 1993, 45, 343 - 349.


1  宮部寛志
. 機器分析と応用、1. 分離、1.3 遠心分離,抽出,超臨界抽出,沈殿、1.4 分析のための試料の前処理:機器分析化学(津田孝雄、廣川健編著:朝倉書店、東京)、60 - 67 (2004)

2  宮部寛志
分析化学用語辞典(社団法人 日本分析化学会 編:オーム社、東京)、(2011)



1  Miyabe, K.; Suzuki, M.
Chromatographic Study of Liquid Phase Adsorption of p-tert-Octylphenol on Octadecylsilyl-Silica Gel
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, Kodansha, Tokyo, 1993, 437 - 444.

2  Miyabe, K.
Analysis of Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption,
KI International, Chiba, 2002, 93 - 100.


1  手塚昌郷、宮部寛志
銀触媒上での一酸化二窒素と水素の反応 - 有害物質の触媒反応に関する研究(2) -

富山大学教育学部紀要 B(理科系) 1998, 52, 19 - 23.


1  宮部寛志


Adsorpt. News(日本吸着学会)1994, 8, 16 - 20.

2  宮部寛志


Adsorpt. News(日本吸着学会)1997, 11, 5 - 9.

3  宮部寛志


ぶんせき(日本分析化学会)2009, No.1, 30 - 31.

4  宮部寛志


LC talk(株式会社 島津製作所)2009, 72, 2.


1  宮部寛志



1  中村幸二、宮部寛志、坂本秀一、古谷英司、中津川信一


特許公開 平成 01-320460登録 特許第1994271

2  宮部寛志、鈴木基之
特許公開 平成 05-034325

3  織田信博、宮部寛志
特許公開 平成 05-269346

4  宮部寛志、織田信博

特許公開 平成 05-269476

5  宮部寛志、織田信博
特許公開 平成 05-301025登録 特許第3324139

6  織田信博、宮部寛志

特許公開 平成 05-329330

7  織田信博、宮部寛志

特許公開 平成 06-031135登録 特許第3293181

8  宮部寛志、岩崎誠、中原敏次、鶴丸陽佳
特許公開 平成 06-055182

9  宮部寛志、岩崎誠、中原敏次、鶴丸陽佳
特許公開 平成 06-086990

10  中原敏次、宮部寛志
特許公開 平成 06-091136

11  宮部寛志、岩崎誠、中原敏次、鶴丸陽佳
特許公開 平成 06-106171

12  中原敏次、鶴丸陽佳、宮部寛志、岩崎誠
特許公開 平成 06-106172

13  宮部寛志、中原敏次、鶴丸陽佳、岩崎誠
特許公開 平成 06-134315

14  宮部寛志、中原敏次、岩崎誠

特許公開 平成 06-142454登録 特許第3293207

15  宮部寛志、鶴丸陽佳、岩崎誠

特許公開 平成 06-182361登録 特許第3239502

16  宮部寛志、岩崎誠、中原敏次、鶴丸陽佳
特許公開 平成 06-226046

17  宮部寛志、鶴丸陽佳、岩崎誠

特許公開 平成 06-226048

18  宮部寛志
特許公開 平成 06-269784

19  宮部寛志、鶴丸陽佳、鍵和田正子、岩崎誠
特許公開 平成 06-285334

20  宮部寛志、岩崎誠、鶴丸陽佳

特許公開 平成 06-343983登録 特許第3360353

21  山田登、鶴丸陽佳、宮部寛志

特許公開 平成 07-080247登録 特許第3326910

22  宮部寛志、山田登、鶴丸陽佳

特許公開 平成 07-124443

23  山田登、宮部寛志、鶴丸陽佳

特許公開 平成 07-204625

24  山田登、宮部寛志、鶴丸陽佳

特許公開 平成 07-251029

25  山田登、宮部寛志
特許公開 平成 07-299327登録 特許第3480039

26  宮部寛志、山田登、鶴丸陽佳

特許公開 平成 07-303818

27  山田登、宮部寛志、鶴丸陽佳

特許公開 平成 07-308543

28  依田元之、宮部寛志

特許公開 平成 07-328387登録 特許第3482688

1  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.; Iwasaki, M.; Tsurumaru, Y.; Nakahara, T.

A Method of Treatment of a Fluid Containing Volatile Organic Halogenated Compounds

CA2091740 (Canada), Publication date: 1993/9/26

2  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.; Iwasaki, M.; Tsurumaru, Y.; Nakahara, T.

A Method of Treatment of a Fluid Containing Volatile Organic Halogenated Compounds

AU-A-35247/93 (Australia), Publication date: 1993/9/30

3  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.; Iwasaki, M.; Tsurumaru, Y.; Nakahara, T.

A Method of Treatment of a Fluid Containing Volatile Organic Halogenated Compounds

EP0563669(A1) (Europe Union), Publication date: 1993/10/6

4  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.; Iwasaki, M.; Tsurumaru, Y.; Nakahara, T.

Method of Treatment of a Fluid Containing Volatile Organic Halogenated Compounds

US5490941 (USA), Publication date: 1996/2/13

5  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.; Iwasaki, M.; Tsurumaru, Y.; Nakahara, T.

A Method of Treatment of a Fluid Containing Volatile Organic Halogenated Compounds

AU-A-42292/96 (Australia), Publication date: 1996/6/20

6  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.; Iwasaki, M.; Tsurumaru, Y.; Nakahara, T.

Method of Treatment of a Fluid Containing Volatile Organic Halogenated Compounds

US5531901 (USA), Publication date: 1996/7/2

7  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.; Iwasaki, M.; Tsurumaru, Y.; Nakahara, T.

Method of decomposing volatile organic halogenated compounds in water

EP0745561(A1) (Europe Union), Publication date: 1996/12/4

8  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.; Iwasaki, M.; Tsurumaru, Y.; Nakahara, T.

Verfahren zur Behandlung einer Flhssigkeit, die flhchtige, halogenierte organische

Verbindungen enth@lt

DE69323226(T2) (Germany), Publication date: 1999/6/17

9  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.; Iwasaki, M.; Tsurumaru, Y.; Nakahara, T.
Verfahren zum Zersetzen von organischen halogenierten flhchtigen Verbindungen in Wasser
DE69328732(T2) (Germany), Publication date: 2000/10/5


1  Orita, N.; Miyabe, K.
Computer Simulation of Chromatographic Processes - Prediction of Elution Curves for Preparative Liquid Chromatography -

23回国際会議クロマトグラフィーの進歩 (1986, Tokyo)

2  Miyabe, K.; Orita, N.; Kobayashi, A.

Practical Model of Computer Simulation in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

10回クロマトグラフィー討論会国際大会 (1989, Tokyo)

3  Miyabe, K.; Suzuki, M.
Chromatographic Study of Liquid Phase Adsorption of p-tert-Octylphenol on Octadecylsilyl-Silica Gel
4th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, FOA4 (1992, Kyoto)

4  Miyabe, K.
Effect of Kind of Organic Solvent on Adsorption Characteristics in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography
Pacific Basin Workshop on Adsorption Science and Technology (1997, Chiba)

5  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
A Kinetic Study of Mass Transfer in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography on a C18-Silica Gel
Pittsburgh Conference 2001 (2001, New Orleans)

6  Miyabe, K.

A Model for Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography
14th International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Preparative/Process Chromatography,
PREP 2001 (2001, Washington)

7  Miyabe, K.

Analysis of Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography

7th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, FOA7 (2001, Nagasaki)

8  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Influence of the Modification Conditions of Alkyl Bonded Ligands on the Characteristics of Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography
International Congress on Analytical Sciences 2001, ICAS2001 (2001, Tokyo)

Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.

Characteristics of Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography
International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques,
HPLC Kyoto (2001, Kyoto)

10  Miyabe, K.【招待講演】
Characteristics and Mechanism of Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography
15th International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Preparative/Process Chromatography,
PREP 2002 (2002,

11  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.

New Moment Equations for Chromatography with Monolithic Stationary Phases
26th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, HPLC 2002 (2002, Montreal)

12  Miyabe, K.【招待講演】

Moment Equations of Chromatography Using Monolithic Stationary Phases
16th International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Preparative/Process Chromatography,
PREP 2003 (2003, San Francisco)

13  Miyabe, K.; Cavazzini, A.; Gritti, F.; Kele, M.; Guiochon, G.【招待講演】

Moment Analysis of Mass Transfer Kinetics in C18-Silica Monolithic Columns
28th International Symposium and Exhibit on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, HPLC 2004 (2004, Philadelphia)

14  Tokuda, D.; Kobayashi, H.; Ikegami, T.; Hosoya, K.; Miyabe, K.; Ishizuka, N.; Minakuchi, H.; Tanaka, N.
Study on Diffusion of Solutes in a Monolithic Silica Column
28th International Symposium and Exhibit on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, HPLC 2004 (2004, Philadelphia)

15  Miyabe, K.
Extrathermodynamic Study on Surface Diffusion in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Silica Gels Bonded with Alkyl Ligands of Different Chain Lengths
18th International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Preparative/Process Chromatography,
PREP 2005 (2005, Philadelphia)

16  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Extrathermodynamic Interpretation of Retention Equilibrium in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Octadecylsilyl-Silica Gels Bonded to C1 and C18 Ligands of Different Densities
11th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, ISSS 2005 (2005, Pardubice, Czech Republic)

17  Miyabe, K.
Extrathermodynamic Study on Retention Equilibrium in Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using C18-Silica Monolith and C18-Silica Gel Particulate Columns
19th International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Preparative/Process Chromatography,
PREP 2006 (2006, Baltimore)

18  Miyabe, K.; Matsumoto, Y.
Peak Parking - Moment Analysis Method for Measurement of Surface Diffusion Coefficient
20th International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Preparative/Process Chromatography,
PREP 2007 (2007, Baltimore)

19  Miyabe, K.
New Moment Equations for Chromatography with Various Separation Media Having Different Structural Characteristics
32nd International Symposium and Exhibit on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, HPLC 2008 (2008, Baltimore)

20  Miyabe, K.【招待講演】
New Moment Equations for Analysis of Chromatographic Behavior
33rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, HPLC 2008 Kyoto (2008, Kyoto)

21  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.【招待講演】
A Numerical Method for Analysis of Tailing Peak Profiles
34th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separation and Related Techniques, HPLC 2009 (2009, Dresden)

22  Miyabe, K.
Estimation of Column Efficiency by Analyzing Tailing Peak Profiles
22nd International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Preparative/Process Chromatography,
PREP 2009 (2009, Philadelphia)

23  Miyabe, K.
Peak Parking Method for Measurement of Molecular Diffusivity in Liquid Phase Systems
23rd International Symposium, Exhibit & Workshops on Preparative/Process Chromatography,
PREP 2010 (2010, Philadelphia)

24  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Surface Diffusion in Reversed‑Phase Liquid Chromatography
10th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, FOA10 (2010, Awaji)

25  Miyabe, K.; Guiochon, G.
Kinetic Study on External Mass Transfer in RPLC System
35th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, HPLC 2010 (2010, Boston)

26  Tanaka, N.; Miyazaki, S.; Takahashi, M.; Ohira, M.; Terashima, H.; Morisato, K.; Nakanishi, K.; Miwa, S.; Ikegami, T.; Hosoya, K.; Miyabe, K.
Monolithic Silica Columns for High-Speed and High-Efficiency HPLC Separations
35th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, HPLC 2010 (2010, Boston)

27  Miyabe, K.【依頼講演】
Molecular Migration on Stationary Phase Surface in Reversed‑Phase Liquid Chromatography
The 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, Pacifichem 2010 (2010, Honolulu)

28  Miyabe, K.
Measurement of Molecular Diffusivity in Liquid Phase Systems
International Congress on Analytical Sciences 2011, ICAS2011 (2011, Kyoto)

29  Miyabe, K.
Moment Equations for Chromatography Using Superficially Porous Spherical Particles
36th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, HPLC 2011 (2011, Budapest)