Power of Diversity



Drama workshop with a taste of theatre for teachers and preschool nurses

 This drama workshop is a mix of exercises and games used as tools in professional theatre work. The basic idea is in different ways connected to children games and developed for training of values like concentration, observation and cooperation. The workshop gives the opportunity to take part practically, and time will be given between the exercises to make own notes. Your own reflections and thoughts are very valuable and an important part of understanding of drama as a method. Maximum 20 people, no observers are allowed during the workshop. Please bring comfortable clothes and a notebook.

Sponsored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) for Hiroaki Ishiguro, 2017
Supported with Department of education, College of Arts, Rikkyo University.

 Bernt Höglund has been working with performing arts for people of all ages since the beginning of the 70-ties. He has created more than 40 productions at different theatre- and opera houses in Sweden and in the Nordic countries. Bernt is working with intimate performances and with a low voiced relation between stage and audience. His productions are all developed in close connection to the performing artists. They are very often based on a mix of performers from different areas like actors, opera singers, puppeteers, musicians and dancers. The working method is a combination of devising for acting and strict visual ideas. He likes very much to invite the artists to a “creative confusion” as a start of a new process.
 “Nemuru Machi” was created together with Urinko Theatre in Nagoya 2010. The aim was to make a “Japanese performance with Swedish taste”. The performance is a result of seminars, joyful meetings and working-steps held once or twice every year in Japan since 2006. A new production named “Ojiichann no chiisana himitsu” was created in collaboration with Urinko Theatre in 2015 as a continuation of this work. “Nemuru Machi” got the prize of Jido-Fukushi-Bunka in 2012 fiscal year.
(http://www.swedenabroad.com/ja-JP/Embassies/Tokyo/4/2/-sys83/) Bernt is a member of ASSITEJ Sweden and has been a facilitator of children’s theatre workshops in about 20 countries in former East Europe, in Africa and in Asia.

Bernt Höglund YESSS! – On children, art and profitability. In Christina Nygren (Ed.), Theatre for development. Svesk Teaterunion-Swedish Centre of ITI, 117-121.

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