
Rikkyo Sociological Association

社会学部創設65周年記念 国際シンポジウム開催のお知らせ

International conference information

「A New Agenda for Sociological Studies in an Ever-Changing Society:
The 65th Anniversary of Rikkyo University's College of Sociology」
  • リム・ヒョンチン名誉教授(Professor Emeritus Hyun-Chin Lim)
  • サリ・ハナフィ教授(Professor Sari Hanafi)
  • チャン・ウォンホ教授(Professor Wonho Jang)
  • コン・チョンホ教授(A/Professor Kong Chong Ho)
    ・・・Yale-NUS College 都市研究主任
  • レン・レン・タン教授(A/Professor Leng Leng Thang)
  • ホアン・トウ・ホン教授(Professor Hoang Thu Huong)
    ・・・ベトナム国家大学ハノイ人文社会科学大学 社会学部副学部長
  • イ・グァンソク教授(Professor Lee Kwangsuk)
  • 是永 論教授
  • 太田 麻希子准教授
  • 水上 徹男教授
  • 山中 惇史氏
    ・・・立教大学大学院 社会学研究科
  • 中村 翔氏
    ・・・慶応義塾大学大学院 社会学研究科
  • 陳乙氏
    ・・・立教大学大学院 社会学研究科
  • 佐藤 百合先生
    ・・・国際交流基金 理事、アジア経済研究所 名誉研究員
  • 木村 忠正教授
  • ブラディミール・ダグラス・パチェコ・クエバ教授(A/Professor Vladimir Douglas Pacheco Cueva)
    ・・・オーフス大学、立教大学 在外招聘教授
  • アンドレイ・レザエフ教授(Professor Andrey Rezaev)
    ・・・サンクトペテルブルク大学、立教大学 在外招聘教授
  • 砂川 浩慶教授
水上 徹男(本大学社会学部現代文化学科教授)tetsuo@rikkyo.ac.jp
立教社会学会 事務局 rsa@rikkyo.ac.jp

A New Agenda for Sociological Studies in an Ever-Changing Society:
The 65th Anniversary of Rikkyo University’s College of Sociology

January 13, 2024 (Sat) 12:30 – 18:00

Venue: Tachikawa Memorial Hall, Rikkyo University, Tokyo.
Organized by College of Sociology, Rikkyo University, and Rikkyo Sociological Association
Co-organized by Rikkyo Institute for Global Urban Studie

Sociology deals with situations that we encounter in our daily lives. These relationships may be between individuals, families, groups and organizations, local communities, nation-states, globalization, and many more besides. Thus, Sociology has grown in importance in its dealing with very complex changes to our social life as globalization seemingly goes on its way. For instance, consider the recent dramatic social changes we encountered with the Corona virus pandemic. We have faced new and unprecedented experiences. Technological advancement in communications and transportation has brought with it an increase in the number of people traveling internationally, while at the same time the reasons for analysis of “people movement” has become much more complex and diverse. Sociological research confronts the rapid acceleration of human movement. But then, all of a sudden, the movement of people slowed dramatically and in places almost ceased. Then, a change in communication style emerged, with the widespread introduction of online meetings in workplaces and elsewhere across our social lives, and this then has effects upon the life lived in new urban settings and the new lifestyles that are developing before our eyes. Given that society is constantly changing, sociological research topics are boundless.

In this workshop, we would like to keep examining the many ways in which some sociological sub-disciplines have arisen and are rising to the new challenges manifest in contemporary life. We have prepared four sessions: “The Frontiers of Sociological Studies;” “Current Issues in the Global City;” “A New Vision for Teaching Sociological Science;” and “The Ever-Changing Media Environment.” Now we are thankful of being able to organize the international workshop on a face-to-face communication basis. We sincerely hope that our study-time together will contribute to further creative sociological research, developing further collaboration among us for international research and so make our own contribution to assist in the advancement of sociological networks old and new.

Tetsuo Mizukami


12:30-12:40 Greetings from invited guest

Professor Yuri Sato (The Japan Foundation, Executive Vice President)

12:40-13:50 Plenary Session: “The Frontiers for Sociological Studies”

Moderator: Prof. Tadamasa Kimura (College of Sociology, Rikkyo University)

1. Prof. Tetsuo Mizukami (Vice- President, Rikky University)
“Rikkyo’s Sociology: Past and Present Research Projects in the Inner-City Tokyo”
2. Keynote speech: Professor Emeritus Hyun-Chin Lim (President, East Asian Sociological Association)
“Changing Nature of Developmental State in East Asia: Japan, South Korea and China"
3. Keynote speech: Prof. Sari Hanafi (Former President, International Sociological Association)
“Sociology and Crisis of Liberal Democracy”

13:50-15:30 Session 1 “Current Issues in Global City”

Moderator and Discussant: Prof. Vladimir Douglas Pacheco Cueva (Department of Culture and Society, Aarhus University)

1. Prof. Wonho Jang (Department of Urban Sociology, Director, Center for Glocal Culture and Social Empathy, University of Seoul)
"The Dynamic of Urban Scenes in Seoul: A Historical Approach"
2. Prof Kong Chong Ho (Head of Urban Studies, Yale-NUS College)
“Global City, Capital City and Regional City Attractions for China International Students”
3. Prof. Makiko Ota (Director, Rikkyo Institute for Global Urban Studies)
“Marginal Middle Classness and Insecurity in an Informal Settlement, Metropolitan Manila”
4. Mr. Sho Nakamura (Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Human Relations, Keio University)
“Vulnerable Beings’ Resistance: A Case Study of Immigration Detainees in Japan”
5. Ms. Yi Cheng (Postgraduate Student, College of Sociology, Rikkyo University)
“Identities of the 1.5 Generations of Chinese Immigrants in Tokyo: Based on their Life Stories”

Tea Break 15:30-15:40

15:40-16:50 Session 2 “A New Vision for Teaching Sociological Sciences”

Moderator and Discussant: Prof. Andrey Rezaev (St. Petersburg University)
1. Prof. Leng Leng Thang (Head, Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore)
“Aging as Common Issues for Global Community: The Cases of Singapore and Japan”
2. Prof. Hoang Thu Huong (Vice Dean, Faculty of Sociology, University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Vietnam National University Ha Noi)
“Studying Religion in the Digital Age from a Sociological Perspective”
3. Prof. Yu Cheng Liu (Department of Sociology, Soochow University, Taiwan)
“Teaching and Learning Sociology in the Age of AI”

16:50-17:50 Session 3 “Changing Media Environment”

Moderator and Discussant: Prof. Tadamasa Kimura (College of Sociology, Rikkyo University)

1. Prof. Lee Kwangsuk (Seoul National University of Science and Technology)
“Unearthing New Critical Layers of Analysis in the Changing Media Realities: Focused on an Ecology of Technology”
2. Prof. Ron Korenaga (Professor, Rikkyo University)
“Social Construction of Public Problem via Media Dialogical Networks: Case of “Isolation in Connection” of Japanese Youth”
3. Atsushi Yamanaka (Ph.D. Candidate, College of Sociology, Rikkyo University)
“Moral Features of Online News Sphere”

17:50-18:00 Closing address

Prof. Hiroyoshi Sunakawa (Dean, College of Sociology, Rikkyo University, President of Rikkyo Sociological Association)
