
「わたし」の紙芝居をつくる 2023年11月4日

Making Kamishibai (Paper-Drama) about "My Life"

In this workshop, participants created Kamishibai (paper-drama) of their lives and reflect on their progress to date, looking back to when they were born, when they attended preschool, when they attended elementary school, and when they attended junior high school. Interweaving actual and fictitious events, they draw their past and future lives and finally read their stories aloud. In addition to drawing pictures, some students made collages by pasting photos and drawings of their memories. Making Kamishibai is a great way to learn the heritage language, as it allows students to develop multiple literacies: creating a story, designing a scene, expressing it with words and images, and reading it aloud while having fun. Recalling their lives and imagining their futures would also have provided an opportunity to reaffirm their singular existence and their deep connection to others and the environment that supports them

日時:2023年11月4日(土) 通常授業時間
Date: Saturday, November 4, 2023, regular class time

Place: Toronto Kokugo Kyoshitsu

参加者:トロント国語教室 アドバンスクラスメンバー+メヤーズ夏子先生
Participants: Participants: Advanced class members + Ms. Natsuko Mayers

Plan, Design, Facilitator: Hiroaki Ishiguro

Research Grant: JSPS Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (22H01017) "Developing a workshop for migrant children focusing on aesthetic literacy“

Cooperation: Toronto Kokugo Kyoshitsu

On making Kamishibai

Front side and back side of Mr. O's Kamishibai