In past years, education to address global challenges has been conducted independently in various forms such as environmental education, development education, and peace education. More recently, the importance of taking a comprehensive approach under the banner of "Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)" has been increasingly recognized. In this context, the Japanese government and NGOs made a proposal at the World Summit in Johannesburg on Sustainable Development in 2002 for the "United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development ", which the UN General Assembly in December of the same year proclaimed for the period 2005 - 2014.
I have had the opportunity to participate in this process and have begun to recognize the full significance of ESD. Fortunately, with the recent increasing awareness and support for ESD at Rikkyo University, I received the opportunity to launch the ESD Research Center (ESDRC).
The ESDRC aims at breaking new ground in the quest for a sustainable society through inter-disciplinary research on ESD within the humanities and social sciences. At the Center we will take the initiative in developing a network of ESD research in the Asia-Pacific. We hope our efforts will contribute to ESD research and practice in the Asia-Pacific region. |
Osamu ABE
Director, ESD Research Center,
Rikkyo University |
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