2022 Ma’ai as distancing: An Exploration of Ecological Phenomenology.(in Japanese) Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
2021 How to Ask and How to Think: For "Inquiry-based Learning". (in Japanese) Kyoto:
Kitaojishobo publisher.
2021 Thinking by oneself and speaking by oneself: Philosophy lessons for raising children) (revised edition) . (in Japanese) Tokyo:
Kawade Shobo Shinsha.
2019 When People Talk, They Are Not Thinking: A Philosophy of Dialogue and Thought (in Japanese) Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten .
2016 Everything will Revert to Wild Someday.(in Japanese) Tokyo: Suiseisha publisher.
2015 Phenomenology of Body and Special Needs Education. (in Japanese) Kyoto:
Kitaojishobo publisher.
2014 Phenomenology of Boundaries. (in Japanese) Tokyo:
Chikumashobo publisher.
Introduction to Philosophy for Children. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Kawadeshoboshinsha publisher.
2011 Consciousness Doesn’t Exist. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Kodansha publisher.
2011 Ecological Self : Body and Affordances. (in Japanese) Kyoto : Nakanishiya publisher.
2011 Re-questioning the Moral Education : Liberalism et the Future of Education. (in Japanese) Tokyo : Chikuma-shobo publisher.
2008 The Philosophy and Ethics of Neuroscience. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Kobunsha publisher.
2007 The Moral is Real?: The Ethics of Affordances. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Kodansha publisher.
2006 The Mind Exists Outside the Body.(in Japanese) Tokyo: NHK publisher.
2005 The Mind Extending towards the Environment.(in Japanese) Keiso-shobo publisher.
2003 The Ecological View of Mind.(in Japanese) Keiso-shobo publisher.
2000 The Semantics of Maurice Merleau-Ponty.(in Japanese) Sobunsha publisher.
2017 Noda, K., Yamamoto, Y., and Morita, K. (eds.) Environmental Human Sciences. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Beiseisha publisher.
2017 Noda, K. (ed.) Correspondence: Mind in concord with Nature and the Environment. (in Japanese) Minerva publisher.
2017 Saeed, N. and Rsnani, H. (eds.) History, Theory and Practice of Philosophy for Children: International Perspectives (Routledge Research in Education), Routledge.
2016 Fatić, A. and Amir, L. (Eds.) Practicing Philosophy. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2016 Bang, J. and Winther-Lidqvist, D. (Eds.) Nothingness: Philosophical Insights into Psychology (History and Theory of Psychology). New Brunswick and London: Transaction publisher.
2016 Ito, T. (ed.) Philosophy of Mind-Body/Body-Mind Relationship and of the Environment: Thinking through Traditional Asian Thought. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Kyukoshokan publisher.
2016 Noda, K. and Okuno, K. (eds.) Thought on Birds and humans. (in Japanese) Bensei publisher.
2016 Hirai, Y. et al (eds.) Dissecting Bergson’s Matter and Memory. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Shosishinsui publisher.
2016 Ishihara, K. et al. (eds.) Philosophy of Psychiatry. 3 Vols. (in Japanese) Tokyo: the University of Tokyo Press.
2016 Takeshi Morisato (ed.) Critical perspective on Japanese Philosophy, authored, Chisokudo Publications /Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
2015 Nakamura, Y. (ed.) School Administration and School Library. (in Japanese) Itsukishobo publisher.
2015 Kono, T. at al. Philosophy for Children. (in Japanese) Mainichi Journal Press.
2014 Muganuma, T., Katoda, H., & Kono, T. (eds.) Designing a Society for Pluralistic coexistence. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Gendaishoin publisher.
2014 Matsuba, S. and Nishimura, Y. (eds.) Phenomenological nursing research. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Igakushoin publisher.
2013 Ishihara, K.(ed.) A Research on“Tojisha Research Method.” (in Japanese) Tokyo: Igakushoin publisher.
2013 Shoji, Y. et al. (eds.) Autonomy and Welfare. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Gendaishoin publisher.
2013 Nakayama, T. (ed.) An Encounter of Philosophy with Psychiatry. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Tamagawa University Press.
2013 Murata, J., Sasaki, M., Kono, T., and Someya, M. (eds.) Ecological Turn of Knowledge. 3 Vols. (in Japanese) Tokyo: The University of Tokyo Press.
2008 Kanamori, O. (ed). Comtemporary French Epistemology. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Keio University Press.
2008 Kono, T., Someya, M. and Saito, N. (eds.) The Ontology of the Environment. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Shunjyu-sha publisher.
2008 Murata, J. (ed.) Brain/Mind, Iwanami series of the philosophy vol.5. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Iwanami-shoten publisher.
2006 Murata, J. (ed.) The Philosophy of Technology for the Symbiosis. (in Japanese) Tokyo: Miraisha publisher.
2004 Nobuhara, Y. (ed.) The Philosophy of Mind. Vol.2. (in Japanese) Keiso-shobo publisher.
2002 Watanabe, T., Murata, J., and Takahashi, M. (ed.). The Philosophy of Psychology. (in Japanese) Kitaoji-publisher.
2000 Fornefeld, B. and Dederich, M. (Hrsg.). Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung neu sehen lernen: Asien und Europa im Dialog über Bildung,Integration und Kommunikation.
Düsseldof: Verlag selbstbestimmtes leben.
Recent Translations
2014 Nakamura, K. A Disability of the Soul: An Ethnography of Schizophrenia and Mental Illness in Contemporary Japan. (original text, Cornell University Press, 2003) translated by Isihara, K., T. Kono et al., Tokyo: Igakushoin publisher.
2014 Lipman, M. Thinking in Education. 2ed ed. (original text, Cambridge University Press, 2003) translated by T. Kono et al., Tokyo: Tamagawa University Press.
2014 Lipman, M.et al. Philosophy in the Classroom. (original text, Temple University Press, 1980) translated by T. Kono et al., Tokyo: Kawade-shobo-shinsha publisher.
2013 Cole, J. Still Lives:Narratives of Spinal Cord Injury. (original text, MIT press, 2006) translated by T. Kono et al., Tokyo: Hosei University Press.
2011 Nussbaum, M. Liberty of Consciousness: In Defense of American’s Tradition of Religious Equality. (original text, Basic Book, 2008) translated by T. Kono et al., Tokyo, Keio University
2010 Nussbaum, M. Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame, and the Law. (original text, Princeton
University Press, 2004), translated by T. Kono et al., Tokyo, Keio University Press.
2008 Banister, P. et al.(eds.) Qualitative Methods in Psychology.(original text, Free University Press,
1995), translated by Y. Igarashi, T. Kono et al., Tokyo: Sinyosha.
2005 Danziger, K. Naming the Mind: How Psychology Found Its Language. (original text, Sage
publisher, 1997), translated by T. Kono et al., Tokyo: Edition Keiso-shobo.
2004 Gibson, J.J. Reason for Realism: Selected Essays of James J. Gibson. (original text, Laurence
Erlbaum, 1982), translated by A. Sakai et T. Kono, Tokyo: Keiso-shobo.
2000 Lombardo, T., The Reciprocity of Perceiver and Environment (original text, LEA, 1987),
translated by T. Kozaki, A. Sakai & T. Kono et al., Tokyo: Keiso-shobo.
Recent Articles
2017 “An Ethics for a Society without Exclusion. Shiso. vol.1118, pp.55-70.
2016“Tetsuro Watsuji and Care Ethics: Can they corroborate?”, Critical perspective on Japanese Philosophy
, authored by Takeshi Morisato, Chisokudo Publications /Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, pp.363-383.
2016 “Philosophical Practice in Japan” Practicing Philosophy.
Fatić, Aleksandar and Amir, Lydia
(Eds.) Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.182-202
2015 “A Comment on Andrew C. Papanicolaou’s “BEYOND EDDINGTON’S
ARGUMENT”“Integrative Psychology and Behavioral Science, 49, pp. 9-18. DOI
2014“Extended Mind and After: Socially extended mind and Actor-network”Integrative Psychology
and Behavioral Science
, 48, pp.48–60. DOI: 10.1007/s12124-013-9242-2.
2012 “Culture, Wilderness, and Homelessness: Eco-Phenomenology 2”Phenomenology and Human Experience.
Eds.Chung-chi Yu and Kwok-ying Lau, Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bauts GmbH, pp.33-43.
2010 “Personality and Irrationality in Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy”Chiasmi international
, 12 (Dec.
2010), pp.261-272.
2010 “The ‘extended mind’ approach for a new paradigm of psychology”, Integrative Psychology and
Behavioral Science
, 44(2010), pp.329-339.
2009 “Qu’y-a-t-il dans le cerveau?: philosophie du mental écologique.” Ebisu, Études japonaises
40/41 (2008-2009), numéro spécial, maison Franco-Japonaise, 175-187.
2009 “Social Affordances and the Possibility of Ecological Linguistics”, Integrative Psychology and
Behavioral Science
, 43(2009), pp.356-373.
2009 “Eco-Phenomenology: Body and Environment”, The Applied Phenomenology, Proceedings of
the 3rd International Conference of Phenomenology for East-Asian Circle
, September 2009,
2009 “Qu’y-a-t-il dans le cerveau?: philosophie du mental écologique.” Ebisu, Études japonaises,
40/41 (2008-2009), numéro spécial, maison Franco-Japonaise, pp.175-187.