Activities related to implementing philosophical practice
Philosophical practice refers to practical activities enabling the collaborative exploration of philosophical topics, principally through dialogue. These activities can take many forms, including organizing philosophy cafés (grassroots forums for philosophical discussion) , teaching children to engage in philosophical discussions, promoting philosophical dialogue in communities and workplaces, supporting philosophical communication through artistic expression and providing philosophical consultancy. To date, in my research office has, with graduate and undergraduate students,
has taken advantage of numerous opportunities in many venues to engage in philosophical practice.
1) Activities sponsored by the NPO Kodomo Tetsugaku Otona Tetsugaku Aada Kooda (It’s Like This…It’s Like That—Philosophical Discussions for Children and Adults)
2) Philosophy for/with Children: Classes and extracurricular learning opportunities for elementary- through high-school-aged students.
3) Philosophy cafés: cafés in Shonan and Kamakura, at the Junkodo Bookstore in Naha and cafés held with the cooperation of Toshima Ward Library, Iwaki City Library and Iwate-ken Public Library
4) Philosophical discussion for regional community revitalization
・A 2015 collaboration with the OECD-supported Hiroshima Innovative School
・A 2016‒2017 Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society program (Social Technology R&D) (RISTEX) R&D project: “Educating for Regional Revitalization through Intergenerational Philosophical Dialogue and Project Learning ”.
This project was sponsored by the RISTEX R&D area Designing a Sustainable Society through Intergenerational Co-creation.
RISTEX is a Strategic Basic Research Program of the Japan Science and Technology Agency.
・Activities at the Rikuzentakata Global Campus operated by Rikkyo and Iwate Universities.
5) Partnering with mass media
・Contributed weekly articles for the “Philosophy Café” column in the Mainichi Children’s Newspaper
・Organized philosophy cafés sponsored by the Mainichi Children’s Newspaper
・Organized philosophy cafés for Ryu PON!, the Ryukyu Shimpo children’s newspaper
・Performed editorial supervision for ten “Q—Philosophy for Children” programs on NHK for SchoolEducation .
6)Launching of the Japanese Association for Philosophical Practice
In October 2015 we inaugurated the Japanese Association for Philosophical Practice with the purpose of disseminating and developing philosophical practices and promoting intellectual exchange among members. http://philosophicalpractice.jp