2ndPOD for Children Living in Linguistically Culturally Diversity With/By/Forthe Power of Diversity Diversityof Children is the foundation of Our Future 2nd POD has arranged to be held in Isesaki City, GunmaPrefecture in this fall. Gunma Prefecture has a high rate of registration offoreigners in Japan, and Isesaki City has the largest number of it there. At 1stPOD (Power of Diversity) held in 2013, a number of practitioners supportingchildren living in linguistically culturally diversity had gathered from allover Japan, and spent a meaningful time. 1 year has passed, we are curiousabout how each sites has changed since then. In each sites, original ideas mighthave been realized, and at the same time, new tasks might have been raised too.This conference named as ‘POD’ respect who you are, and we think this makesdevelopment of society possible. We welcome you who participate this conferencefor the first time, and expand the diversity of POD by your participation. 2ndPOD has three features. First, children, who are principles of diversity, arecentered in this conference. The participation of children who are principlesof learning are welcome as well as learning-supporting practitioners. Second, 2ndPOD organizes some workshops that children and adults learn together. Theseworkshops might make us realize the power of children we would never haveexpected. Third, 2nd POD try to see the world from the views ofsites where children who have some roots in overseas actually live in. Though 2ndPOD will be held in Isesaki City, Gunma this time, there must be similar casesin other sites. What can we see similarities and differences between each sites? Like the 1st POD,of course, a time for practitioners to grumble is prepared too. Let’s grumble,moan, and explore the possibilities of new practice together! Let’s build upthe place where not only children who have some roots in overseas, but also allof us, adults and children, can learn and develop together. Participants wholive near Isesaki, of course, and who are participating POD for the first timeare all welcome. We welcome all of you if you think you are the learner whowish to grow yourself and if you are the one who enjoy learning with otherstogether. We are especially looking forward to the participation of childrenand also their parents too. For language support for them, especiallyPortuguese, Spanish, Tagalog, Bisayan, and English will be needed, please giveyour hands in this POD. Your cooperation will be appreciated. Date:October, 4. Sat. p.m.~October, 5. Sun. p.m. *Thetime might be changed in some cases Place: IsesakiCivic Plaza (Address is; 220-13, Tomitzuka, Isesaki-city, Gunma, 372-0833) ★For downloading a poster of 2nd POD, click here↓↓ ★Flyer for youth and adults with foreign roots↓↓ ★The video clips of Drama Workshop and Museum Workshop↓↓ Organized By: ‘The research of learning communitiescentered on expression activities for linguistically culturally diversechildren who have some roots in overseas’ (Grants-in-aid for ScientificResearch Promotion Services, Basic Research Program (B) Chief Researcher:Hiroaki Ishiguro) Sponsored by: Isesaki Board of Education,NPO J-communication (Isesaki, Gunma) |