Workshops that will be held in 2nd POD are not necessarily to push practitioners to the fore. Instead two workshops will be organized for both practitioners and children to promote much learning. A drama workshop on the 1st day, due to the nature of it, has a limitation of the number of participants (max. 30), but after the workshop the facilitator will give you some points about what happened in the workshop and also ask participants’ impression about it too. There will be a ‘Content-Free Chatting -as one pleases-’ in the venue for practitioners who won’t participate the drama workshop. Please utilize it as a spot to exchange each other’s information, or just to grumble your worries of your own practice. On the 2nd day, ‘Isesaki Museum’ will be created by all the participants. You might have chances to see your children’s unusual aspects. We are looking forward to your active articipation. ■Oct, 4. 1. Improvised Drama Workshop What is "beingdifferent"? Facilitator: Junko Ishikawa* What is "being different" ? Different by look? Speakingdifferent languages? What does really mean "being different"? Let's explore the question above through this drama workshop! Anyacting skill is not required, rather diverse kinds of drama activities inworkshop would be your lens to see the things from new perspectives. Requirement for participation: Mainlyfor youth, up to around 30 people. Open to anyone, but observation except forstaff is not allowed. After the workshop Looking Back Session will be held, inwhich facilitator gives us some explanation about the workshop watching video-taped.There will be ‘Content-Free Chatting –as one pleases’ concurrently held for practitionerswho won’t participate the workshop, you can have time to chat with otherpractitioners. *Facilitator: Junko Ishikawa Drama workshop facilitator. M.A. in Applied Theatre from CUNY (TheCity University of New York). Former English teacher in Osaka city. Sincestudying in New York, she is working with diverse participants in Canada, TheUnited States and Japan. Through her theme oriented workshop, participants getthe opportunity to dig into their perspective to a certain theme. For example,she facilitated a workshop, "what is culture?" with youth group inNew York in 2011. One of the recent workshop is "what is dialogue"with Japanese language teacher in Virginia states at Virginia University lastMay. One of her recent interest is dialogical education through drama workshop.
2. Content-Free Chatting forPractitioners –as one pleases-Haruo Hondo (Director of NPOJ-Communication) Chiharu Uchida (Associate professor atFaculty of Education, Kyoei University, Educational Psychology) Thereis another room prepared during the drama workshop. This is a spot to chat andshare your own practice with other practitioners. Please feel free to visit thechatting room. After the drama workshop the Looking Back Session will be held.All are welcome to participate the session too. ■Oct, 5. 3. Workshop ‘Let’s create Isesaki Museum!’ Facilitators: Hiroaki Ishiguro (Professor atthe Department of Eductation, College of Arts, Rikkyo University, DevelopmentalPsychology, Educational Psychology) Hiroko Ohshima (StageDesigner)** Sachiko Uchida (AssistantProfessor at Takasaki University of Health and Welfare) Howdo you think about Isesaki for residents? What’s the boast of Isesaki? Isesakiis the place you have been raised, and you are living in the future. If youwould create ‘Isesaki Museum’, what sort of things would you exhibit in there? Yourprecious memories, records, something that leads you to the future? We wouldlike you to exhibit what you think is the representation of Isesaki. Onthe day we are making display items that will be exhibited in the museum. Pleasethink of some ideas before the day. It doesn’t matter how you make and whatmaterials will be used. You can do like making handicrafts, drawing pictures,writing some articles or anything you want. Let’s all make unique displayitems, and create ‘Isesaki Museum’! After making display items, all the items willbe exhibited. Nobody knows what the museum is going to be like. Each creatorswill explain their display items. It will be videotaped that anyone can watchthem on Virtual Museum on the internet. Virtual Museums of 3 countries will be established with the displayitems of ‘Toronto Kokugo Kyoshitu’ in Canada,‘Amherst Japanese Language School’ in the USA, and here, 2nd POD in Japan. Requirement for participation: Anyone can participate this workshop, but because there is a limiton the area of the room, please let us know if you plan to attend this workshop.If there are many participants unexpected, we might have to dispense with yourentry. But we are trying not to have that happened. Though we are alsopreparing some materials for the workshop, it would be better to prepare thematerials that fit with your image for your display items.
**Facilitator:Hiroko Oshima (Stage Designer) Graduate BA Design for performance at Central Saint Martins Collegeof Art and Design, London. Received training of scenography and theater foryoung audiences at Theater der Jungen Welt Leipzig (Germany) for 1 year. Shespecializes set and costume design, and also is at work as a facilitator of artworkshop for children applied scenography. Selected works are; ‘Pinocchio ~orSnow White’s Tragedy’ (Directed by Amon Miyamoto) at Kanagawa Arts Theatre. ‘Asleeping Town’ by Theater company Urinko (Directed by Bernt Höglund). Worked asan assistant designer at ‘Cry more Flapper’ (Directed and designed by KazuyoshiKushida) at Theatre Cocoon. 4. Content-FreeChatting for all the participants –What have we learned through these 2 days? Facilitators: HiroakiIshiguro (Professor at the Department of Eductation, College of Arts, RikkyoUniversity, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology) Haruo Hondo (Director of NPOJ-Communication) Thelast part of 2nd POD is Content-Free Chatting for all theparticipants. We can share anything we want to talk, such as about children,what you have concerned, what you wish to do in your own practice. We can alsoshare about what we have achieved together or what we haven’t made throughthese 2 days, and what we can do next POD etc. There is no correct answer. Somethingthat seems to be impossible to do might be something somebody has alreadyachieved somewhere. By displaying the power of diversity, let’s grow ourselvesand design the environment where anyone can be subjects who innovate thesociety. |
2nd POD >