Open Panel Discussion Learning Conditions and Developmental Support Activitiesfor Linguistically Culturally Diverse Children in North American Contexts Saturday, December 14, 2013 13:30~17:00 Nagoya International Centre, 5F Conference Room #1 In the world there are a lot of children under linguistically culturally differentconditions between their home and schools, and this conditions considerablymake it difficult for their school life as much as their curriculum learning. Thistime in this workshop we are inviting two researchers who are working on andsupporting children under such conditions in California, the USA, and inOntario, Canada, and are organizing an opportunity to know actual situationsand to consider the practical issues and the key to developmental support forchildren under similar conditions in Japan. California is known that there area number of people who are mainly Mexican immigrants and speak Spanish as firstlanguage. Ontario, especially Toronto city, is also an area in which there arepeople who have some roots in foreign countries and have diverse languages and differentcustoms. In Japan, supporting linguistically culturally diverse children hasbeen an urgent issues regardless of in or out of schools. In this paneldiscussion we would like to deepen our discussion by inviting researchers whospecialize social education, Japanese education, and cross-cultural educationfor preschool children, as debaters. We welcome participation of, of course,anyone involved schools or after-school support activities that supportlinguistically culturally diverse children, and also of anyone interested indevelopment and education of children, or Japanese or North American schoolsystems.
<Panelists> ・Report 1 Olga Vasquez* (Associate professor atUniversity of California, San Diego, Curriculum and Teachers Education): ATheoretical Structure, Practices and Issues on After-School Support Activitiesfor Linguistically Culturally Diverse Children in San Diego (with anineterpreter) *She is the originator of the preschool developmental support activity (Mi Classe Magica) and the schoollearning support activity (La ClasseMagica) for children who mainly speak Spanish as first language, and isconducting the theoretical, practical work through these activities. Currentlyshe is working on developing and researching an education program utilizinglinguistic cultural multiplicity of people who live in the region of Amazonriver, Colombia.
・Report2 Miwa Takeuchi* (Research Fellow at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(University of Rikkyo), Educational Psychology, Language Education): Theoreticaland Practical Issues in Linguistically Diverse Schools: A Case of Toronto,Canada *She is working onparticipation of children whose mother language are not English in class atschool through long-termed participant observation, and arguing the methods ofsupport for linguistically culturally diverse children. She argues that thesupport for them at school tend to linguistic or curriculum support and insistson the importance of coordination between activities or communities thatcontribute to form children’s identities and schools, illustrating thesituations in Ontario, Canada.
<Debaters> ・Takashi Miyazaki (Professor at the Graduate School of Education Research Institute Facultyof Education, Hokkaido University,Social Education) : He conducts his work based on interviews of practitionersworking at after-school centers and job-finding support facilities for youth inthe whole country, and he considers developmental support for children andyouth who have living challenges. ・Yoko Tateoka (Professor atthe Graduate School of Japanese Education, Waseda University, Japanese Education):She has been engaged in practical teaching of Japanese education for manyyears, at the same time she has been working on her research for teaching andlearning Japanese. Recently she is conducting a collaborative research withpractical group on education of inheritance language in Bangkok, Thai. ・Chiharu Uchida (Associate professor at Faculty of Education, Kyoei University, EarlyChildhood Education): She was a principle and a teacher of Japanese descentkindergarten in Ohio in America, supporting children to adjust localkindergarten, to return to Japan, and supporting parents as well. During herpractice she got a degree at the state university of Ohio, and is now workingon issues about supporting children for care workers who work at preschoolinstitutions that have linguistically culturally diverse children.
<Organizer, Coordinator, Chairman> ・Hiroaki Ishiguro (Professor at College of Arts, Rikkyo University, Developmental Psychology, EducationalPsychology): He works on theoretical and practical research about humandevelopment and learning. Representative of this organized Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research Promotion Services. The website of hislaboratory is; ■Schedule *Schedule mightbe changed because of state of progress. 13:30 Opening Remarks (Ishiguro) 13:40 Report (Vasquez) 14:40 Report (Takeuchi) 15:10 Break 15:20 Comment (Miyazaki) 15:35 Comment (Tateoka) 15:50 Comment (Uchida) 16:05 Response (Vasquez) 16:20 Response (Takeuchi) 16:30 Discussion 16:55 Closing Remarks (Ishiguro)
Organized by: Research project of learningcommunities centered on expression activities for linguistically culturallydiverse children who have some roots in overseas. Cosponsored by: Aichi Project of Mother Language Support for Children Linked toForeign Countries, Nagoya International Centre, Public Interest IncorporatedFoundation. Contact Us: |