Drama Workshop that Changes Diversity into Power: Challenge forApplied Theatre We will invite Ms. Junko Ishikawa, who specialize Applied Play in NewYork, as a facilitator. Through the twice workshop we examine, practically, thepossibilities of human development which performance has.
■Part1: Theatre Workshop ”Who Am I?” Participants: Youth January 6, 2014 Place: FREVIA(Room-Satsuki), Kani-City, Gifu
■Part2: Applied Theatre 101 Participants: Young Adults (College & Graduate Students) January 10, 2014 Place: Rikkyo University, Toshimaku, Tokyo ■Part3: Improvised Drama Workshop ”What is being different?” What is "being different" ? Different by look? Speaking different languages? What does really mean "being different"? Let's explore the question above through this drama workshop! Any acting skill is not required, rather diverse kinds of drama activities in workshop would be your lens to see the things from new perspectives. Requirement for participation: Mainly for youth, up to around 30 people. Open to anyone, but observation except for staff is not allowed. After the workshop Looking Back Session will be held, in which facilitator gives us some explanation about the workshop watching video-taped. There will be ‘Content-Free Chatting –as one pleases’ concurrently held for practitioners who won’t participate the workshop, you can have time to chat with other practitioners. Oct., 4, 2014 Place: Isesaki Civic Plaza ⇒Click here to watch the Video Clip of the Workshop Organized By: ‘The research of learning communities centered onexpression activities for linguistically culturally diverse children who havesome roots in overseas’ (Grants-in-aid for Scientific Research PromotionServices, Basic Research Program (B) Chief Researcher: Hiroaki Ishiguro)
●Facilitator: Junko Ishikawa In May 2013 Ishikawa completed the master’s course in AppliedTheatre at City University of New York, and now works as an assistant(TeachingAssosiate) at Department of East Asian Language and Cultures, ColumbiaUniversity.
●Workshop Experience
2011.4 Canada, Victoria Held a workshop with the theme of separation of parent and child atUniversity of Victoria, Canada. After that she presented the work called ‘TheSon’.
2012.2 New York City Held 2days workshop for high school students in New York, which isfor seeking ‘What is Culture?’ in the CAT(Creative Art Team) Youth TheatreProgram.
2012.3 New York City Held a workshop in Brooklyn for actors who live in New York, withthe theme of ‘What are on our minds living in New York, 1 year after the GreatEast Japan Earthquake?’, then presented the work called ‘Mizu’.
2013.12 New York City Held 2days workshop called ‘Interactive Storytelling’ at LyceumKennedy International School (in the Preschool Class). Making a story with kindergartenpupils narrating story lines is the main method of this workshop.
2013.1~3 New York City Held 3mothes period workshop at the Renaissance Theatre for elderswho are immigrants from Philippines, with the theme of looking back on theirpast together and rethink present themselves.
2013.9 New York City Held a workshop ‘Get to Know Each Other’ for people gathering fromall over the world to reduce the distance between them, at International House. |