Isesaki Youth Museum FindYour Favorite Book @ Katsue Ikejima I heard that Isesaki is a town of book.Everybody has their own liking, so I made this work wishing you will meet yourown favorite book. MEMORY~A Moment of Festival @ Aika Shimizu This is a portable shrine called Mikoshi.When I came to Isesaki 3 years ago, Isesaki Festival was held and I thought itwas the same as Fiesta in Philippines. When I said ‘Mikoshi, Mikoshi!’everybody said ‘Wasshoi, Wasshoi!’ It was totally different and I wondered whatthis festival was like. Anyway it was much fun, so I made this work. Childrenand Their Families in Isesaki @ Chiharu Uchida I have not been familiar with Isesaki yet,but wonderful children and their families I have met and doing workshop withwide range of generations yesterday remained strongly in my mind, so I madepeople in Isesaki. Trying to express very like Isesaki, Idisplayed them imagining a mountain and a river. You can play with them becausethey are not stuck together. The pink girl is Melissa. I made them thinking mygroup members, using the colors of T-shirts members were wearing. Mightbe Jesus Christ? @ Bruno・Eric・Alexandre Tried to make Jesus Crist but it didn’tlook like it, so I put the title as ‘Might be Jesus Christ’. We can see him atany churches that’s why I made this. IsesakiStation!! @ Torii Patricia & Nakata Keiko We made Isesaki Station because we use thisstation to go to school every day. These orange dots are people. Mountainsalongside Isesaki @ Haruo Hondo We can see Mt.Akagi, Mt.Myogi and Mt.Harunafrom Isesaki. These mountains have forests so when I have time I usually gothere to play. This crumpled one is a mountain, and a river, a lake and a park aresurrounding the mountain too. I always have fun there. These gray things atboth ends are houses to make it as a town. KezojiPark @ Satomi Onaga & Yoshine Sato We had fun time at this park and have lotsof memories of it. Speaking of Isesaki, it’s Kezoji Park.
IsesakiMonja @ Yuta Yamaguchi I made a work of Monja I had for dinnerlast night. I checked the gourmet of Isesaki and knew Isesaki Monja wasdelicious and went to the restaurant to have it. Strawberry syrup was poured onit and it was called ‘Salted and sweetened Monja’. I thought it was unique buttasted good. I had it with rice cake on topping, with a glass of Shochu (ClearLiquor) in my hand. TakasakiLine @ Keiichiro Ishimoto I came to Honjo Station from Saitama taking TakasakiLine. From a few stops before Honjo Station, takasaki line didn’t open the doorautomatically when it stopped at each station, and passengers had to press thebutton to open it. I thought it was a good idea that a cold wind didn’t comeinto the train every time the train stopped at stations. As you can see thetrain I made have one door opened, and the other door closed, and there arehigh school students getting off at Honjo Station. I made even inside of thetrain, hanging some advertisements. Civic Plaza @Junko Ishikawa The roof of Civic Plaza was impressive when I firstcame here. I thought, doing the workshop yesterday, this building itself was aplace that makes it possible to do many things with many people. That’s why Imade this work. This work is expressed that there are both tall and not tallpeople. And also I expressed Tone River with blue because I was so happy that Ifinally could have chance to see the river I saw in the textbook when I was astudent. Cabbage field andEnergetic Isesaki Civic Plaza @ Ami On the way to Isesaki from Ikebukuro, the scenery ofgreenery from the train window was getting expanded, I first thought that itwas a rice field but was all cabbage. I remembered that I often eat cabbagegrown in Gunma Prefecture, that’s why I made cabbage field. Also the workshopheld yesterday was impressive so I expressed the aspect that is full of variousenergy. |